Thursday, April 21, 2011

I want paint the backyard Green.

So the other day I made some awesome baked chicken, and I mean it was awesome.  Anyways, while I was throwing in the cilantro and grape tomatoes, it occurred to me that I have yet to make a garden this year.  Not really possible since we are in an upstairs apartment and moving in a few weeks, which brought me to my next thought.  We will be living in a climate that can allow plants to grow for more then four months out of the year!

For some time now there has been a bag of sunflower seeds sitting on the microwave just calling my name.  When we lived off post I planted them the summer before I got pregnant.  They were amazing.  I had never planted flowers from seeds before.  When I was younger I would "help" my parents plant seeds, even grew lettuce one summer on my own, but never flowers.  I was worried they wouldn't make it.  It was a cool spring with frost still appearing on the ground some May mornings.  But then one day I walked out side and there they were, some taller then I was!  It was an amazing feeling to know that I made those.  Sunflowers are my absolute favorite flower.  I love how huge they can get.  It seemed taunting to have that bag sitting there calling my name and not being able to plant them, but once we move I see no reason of why I cant.

I was watching "Play With Me Sesame" (with my child of course) and Ernie was growing an imaginary garden.  In his garden he had an elephant plant.  It reminded me of the elephant ears my mother use to grow.  I was also very found of these.  I just loved how big and green they were.  So here is yet another thing I am putting on my garden list of this to grow.  Since we are suppose to be getting a backyard because we have dogs, I feel very confident that we will have some area that I can plant things in.  I'm sure it will be a very long and hot weekend when I make the "garden area" but if I get to have my elephant ears and sunflowers I will be happy.

I would also like to grow an herb garden, though probably indoors.  I love fresh herbs, they make for the best ingredients.  It would be nice to have them on hand vs running to the store and praying they have what I'm looking for.  It would be something I've never done before, but after the sunflower garden turned out so wonderful, I have confidence I'll be able to make it succeed.

The one thing I always loved about growing up in the South was being able to run barefoot threw the yard and the various gardens my parents had.  It was a wonderful thing to have a huge yard to play in with flowers and plants growing all around me.  I loved the smell of the tulips that I picked regularly for my mother.  I loved the plant that would bloom every night as the sun was setting.  I want my daughter to have those types of memories.  I want her to run threw the garden, pick roses and tulips, and feel the grass beneath her bare feet.  I want her to grow up in a home that has a backyard painted green. 

Eventually my husband and I plan to have a house in Montana.  I have talked to him about the possibility of building a greenhouse for me.  The winters can be harsh and long, which means having a huge garden year round isn't really an option.  So I want a greenhouse that I can fill full of veggies, flowers, and other plants.  I'd love to take it all to a farmers market (probably the best thing ever invited) and sell my fresh grown veggies (free of chemicals) to other people.  Perhaps I'll even grow fruit, though that may require a bigger greenhouse.

I am probably not the best "Green" Mother, but I would like to be.  I insure we recycle, and think the new cloth diapers are the best things ever invited.  FINALLY no more PINS!  I also love to use products that support going green (Green Works, Seventh Generation, etc.) and I buy organic every chance I get.  I think going green is awesome, if you can really find the correct resources to do it.  I make my own baby food, and once I get a sewing machine, I'll end up making quilts and clothes for my daughter.  I have also been dieing to start crocheting again, but I can not find my stinking stuff anywhere.  Anyways, I love doing crafts with kids and it will be fun to do them with my daughter when she gets older.  There are so many resources out there now on how to make your own things like paint.  I can make paint that is chemical free and safe to swallow for my daughter to use before she's really old enough to make anything.  I think its awesome.  I also love making healthy foods for both her and my husband.  Though I have yet to come across a good recipe for homemade dog food, I have plenty for healthy dog treats.  I love making everything for my family and since I do stay home I am able to do a lot more then most moms.  The only thing is, green options aren't offered everywhere.  Sadly where we're moving, there probably wont be an alternative medicine store, the organics will only be the small things Wal Mart offers or maybe a few things the Commissary on base offers.  It wont be as easy to do the green things I have gotten use to doing, but I believe we can make it work.

1 comment:

  1. hey you know i sale some things that are green and im not really sure about really organic but i can always look into it and see if they are you can always order some things from me if you need :). <3 stevie ps i love reading your blogs
