Thursday, March 27, 2014

Grilling in the Rain

It has been a busy week that seems like it has just flown by.  B worked on Wensday which will count for overtime (YAY) and I think thats why it feels like we have lost our week.  His 14 year old sister is here for Spring Break so we went and did some shopping on Tuesday.  Got Lady G tones of cute clothes from Old Navy, but realized too late that I got them in 3T when I should have gotten them in 4T.  In a few months all those cute tops are going to be getting snug.  Guess I'll just have to go back and shop some more!  Anyways, its been a fun week though seemingly short.  B and Baby Sister just went to get some smoothies since the Ladies our down for bed.  Sir E took a late 30 minute nap so hes still up.  Sucks since I like to have them all down at the same time, but some times it happens. 

So today was a rainy day.  B took the Ladies for their bike ride though before it all hit.  Of course it decided to start storming while Baby Sister and I were out getting groceries.  We got home just in time to avoid the huge down pour though.  We had decided to cook Kabobs tonight and my God were they amazing.  B did a wonderful job of grilling them, he is still new to using his grill so there's always that worry of them being overcooked, but he did great loved them.  We threw some pineapple on with some shrimp too and they turned out great as well.  I have to tell ya I love food that is grilled, grilled and cast iron equal just amazing.  In fact I barely use anything but cast iron anymore.  We also have tons of meat we can grill which has B ecstatic.   I like it when he grills, all thats left for me is veggies and the clean up is so much faster.  Plus on nice days the Ladies can be out with him burning off that endless energy of theirs.  I will be so happy when their new swing set gets here.  I know they are looking forward to it and it will give them something else to do aside from tag or riding their little four wheeler.  Both Ladies do pretty good at imaginative play.  Lady G more than Lady L unless of course Lady G is at school, then Lady L is free to do as she wishes without her bossy sister haha.  Im all for them using their brains and coming up with games on their own, but the swing set will allow them to give that creative part a little break and help with their muscle development.  I wont lie though, I am very worried about broken bones because they are so small for their age, BUT the swing set I have ordered seems like its small.  Their is a picture of a woman squatting down next to the slide and the top barely comes over her head, so I think we shall be OK.  I know that they are excited for it and with warmer weather approaching, it will come at the perfect time. 

On the Sir E front, he has a nasty cough from Lady G.  She doesnt seem to understand despite me constantly telling her, that she cant get in her brothers face when she has a cold.  Thankfully he is getting better and in a wonderful mood.  He also will roll from his back to his belly...but only if he sees my boobs...I consider this not just a mom problem, but a Breast Feeding moms problem...  I laid on my side next to him today, boobs covered, and he started to roll towards them...B says motivation, I say the boy has an addiction to my boobs.  He is also becoming super active now.  He loves to reach for his toys, shove things in his mouth and just like Lady L very vocal.  I have a feeling he will be talking just like her shortly after one and that means full sentences. 

Well here is my rant for the day.  Little Sister and I were at the store.  We were in the check out line and as usually everyone and their Grandmother needed to check out.  So they open the express line.  The guy checks out one elderly lady before closing since some else opened up another line.  I didnt see anyone else in the express line when he closed it, though evidently there was a woman with her infant child, son, and either daughter or sister.  The young girl calls out to him saying "Umm Sir you closed the line"  to which he replies "Oh Im sorry would you like me to open it back up?"  She says "Um yea!"  The older woman than say where everyone in my line can here "He saw us and close the line that is so fucking rude."  Their is a baby about 9 months in our line.  I held my tongue though I really didnt want to.  Im now watching this guy check them out.  He is hurrying, most likely because they are being rude and could very easily become disgruntled.  Now before I contiune let me state that the older woman was in what I would consider PJs and not acceptable for the store unless of course you cant afford nicer clothes (or are sick or have a sick child and need to run in run out no the case here).  From the way she was talking and acting I wonder if that is not the case, though her kids were dressed for going out.  So as this guy is bagging things the older woman says "If your gonna throw my things than I want someone else to check me out."  Poor guy was just stunned, didnt know what to say.  He was not throwing a single thing, he was working quickly but not throwing.  He did the right thing by just keeping his mouth shut.  How do I know this?  Im a people watcher.  Ive watched women/men like this plently of times and I know she would have said were he to apologize, "Dont say sorry just stop throwing my shit".  I held my tongue and thankfully another woman called us to her line so I didnt have to keep listening to this woman I wanted to call out.  First off there is no reason to be rude.  Giving him the benefit of the doubt Im going to say he didnt see them, I didnt and I was right next to the express lane.  I saw them walk up but he had already walked off when they did.  Secondly he did not give them an attitude and was nice enough to open it back up for them when he could have easily said "sorry other lanes are open now youll just have to get into one of those."  Thirdly if you find it ok to swear in front of your children then that is fine, but how about you not swear in front of other peoples children.  That is rude, something that you clearly have a problem with since you thought this young man was being rude for having not seen you walk up after he had already left. If you wanna talk about being rude, his actions were nothing compared to your actions.  Before you start off on calling someone rude and cursing about it, think about how rude you are being.  Do you know how you stop rude manors?  By being above them.  I applaud that guy.  He stood above their very childish action.  And to those people, I hope your day got better, because obviously you had to have had a rough one.  Also I am refusing to go into the rant of that baby girl eating a sugar cookie and Grandma thinking it was the cutest thing ever....another day perhaps.

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