Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chicken's and stretch marks galore

Today we shall start off with last night.  My father takes my daughter downstairs with him to get himself a "co'l beer" as he puts it.  After a few moments I begin to wonder what is taking them so long.  He finally returns with my dear monkey and *dum ta da dum* (that's my impression of a drum roll) a chicken.  Not a real one of course, a stuffed puppet that he bought for my sister before I was even in the womb.  She loved her chicken and proceeded to walk around with its stuffed beak in her mouth.  Then this morning I sit her on the floor and say "Go get your chicken" so she walks towards it and says "Chiten Chiten"  It was fairly amazing.  She then went around for most of the morning holding her chicken and calling it a "chiten". 

Stretch marks galore and saggy skin, that is the price I paid for having such a perfect kid.  I love my monkey.  She's slept through the night since three weeks and barely ever does anything that actually makes me mad.  She listens better then an toddler, child, or teenager ever could, and has a vocabulary that is beyond her age group.  Now having said that it still does not make me stop and go "hey you're looking sexy today with your saggy belly and bluish stretch marks."  I was thinking that this week it looks like I may have lost a few pounds.  My belly has been looking...well the best that it can...and when I look back to how it was I can see where my working out has helped to improve it some.  BUT I still don't find myself the least bit sexy.  In fact if I were a lesbian I would not do me.  My husband tells me all the time that he thinks I'm still looking good (though in a more caring manor) but I know that to the world I don't look so good.  What I don't get is why is that only some of us must suffer with the stretch marks and skin?  I mean the average looking woman always seems to get screwed, yet the gorgeous sexy women of the world have a baby, get zero stretch marks, and once they pop that thing out there belly goes right back to being flat and tight.  I have no problem with working out.  I intend to do it once I return to my husband.  My goal is to lose my last 20 lbs by Monkey's first birth day (May) and then lose an extra 5 to 10 lbs just to be what I was in High School.  I enjoy working out, its a great stress reliever for me, but finding the time between housework and raising/caring for a kid is not easy.  I wish I could be like the above average women who get to have their bodies go back to normal and only work out because they can not have to.  And you know I honestly don't mind the stretch marks, I just hate the lose skin and the tiny bit of fat that is still literally hanging around.  Oh well, in a week there will be a picture of my belly and my bare it all workout attempted.  I've never done to workout that I am about to start doing (I'm more of a hiking/yoga kind of girl) but I figure with the blog to help keep me going I'll hopefully keep doing it. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel you 100%. There never seems to be enough time in the day for me to work out. I need to lose 30lbs and would also like to lose it by Zachary's 1st birthday. le sigh.
