Monday, October 15, 2012

My Glass is Empty, no really its empty.

So I had a date night with my husband for the first time since the first Monkey was born.  It was spectacular and let me tell you why.  For one I had a meal without any child interruption, that along was enough to make my night, but let me back up for a second and tell you about the before.  I decided since no child was going to be with us there was no need to let the "girls" be left in a mommy bra.  So I went with nice black Victoria Secrets bra and lets just say there were no secrets.  I thought though that if it was too much my good friend who was also watching the girls would say something...well she didnt.  I assumed that meant the girls looked good but not too good.  So we head out on our date night, girls free of the nursing bra, and husband and I free of children.

We went to a nice restaurant about 45 minutes away.  We both had one drink and I was well "libated" as my father would say, before our food even came.  I have been nursing for 7 months straight now so its not a surprise.  Anyways, we were laughing and having a wonderful time.  My eyes never left his and by God I swear we fell in love again.  It was like being out with my best friend in high school (did I forget to mention that was him? haha).  We had cajun food, good conversation, a live band starting up, and lots of sparks.  Then husband went to the bathroom.  I always feel a bit awkward sitting alone at a table.  Just feels like people are watching and well one guy was.  Randomly this waiter walks up to me and says

"What up son!?" I stare at him a moment and think I might know him then realize we arent in NY anymore.  He stares at me then says,

"Oh I dont know you."  My thought Ya think?  He then informs me that I look just like his friend blah blah blah.  He leaves and my husband returns.  I tell him the story and he laughs and says,

"Yea right I bet it was a bet.  Every guy who has walked past our table tonight has been staring at your boobs!"  Right then three guys walk by and everyone single one of them looked at my boobs.  I was shocked.  Why hadnt he told me this before we left the house?  Course by this time it was almost nursing time and so they were only getting fuller! 

Husband pays for the dinner and we are on our way out, well as luck would have it we get caught in a crowded area and Mr. Hey Son stares at my breast while walking backwards trying to act like he is just letting us threw.  Thankfully husband didnt have a chance to punch him in the face because I didnt tell him til we were already at the car. 

Though our night was great, my breast were eye raped.  Anyways it was still the best date night ever.  I am pretty sure we watched a movie when we got home, but ended up being too tired to finish it.

Oh and as for the title my glass is really empty.  I need more water just too lazy to get it.

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