Sunday, December 7, 2014

Inquisitive Children

I have a distaste for small inquisitive children (this includes my own) and here is why.  While working on my book ( and I am using this term VERY loosely as I have yet to decide if I am going to fully commit to it this time or if I am simply airing out the creative pipes) sweet Lady G awakes from her nap.  This is fine, she is drowsy still and interested in tv on the couch while her sister and brother continue to snooze.  I pop a head phone in and get back to work.  Soon I become aware of a tiny person talking.  She needs a snack.  OK, raisins it is.  I have barely managed to sit back down before she needs a drink.  OK, water here ya go.  Then she informs me when she is done with her snack she would like to work on her writing stuff.  OK OK cool, eat your snack.  Snack consumed and she seems to have forgotten about her penmanship.  Awesome.  It's really flowing now, those creative juices that I often put on hold in order to care for the tiny people in my life.  The bliss doesn't last as she comes up saying "OK I'm ready"  So I pull out her notebook and get her set up next to me.  I'm thinking she'll write and I'll write, it will be a glorious bonding moment.  First she needed to know what letter came first...A kid, A.  That clearly became a pattern, along with, "How do we do that one again?" and "Look at this one, this one is a little fancy" and of course the high fiving all while I am trying to throw my mind into full blown teenage romance deciding all the way or just close to...  Now I cant even talk dirty, so thinking dirty, picturing it, then having to describe it is pretty much causing my own cheeks to flush along with this fictional character and now I have my 4 year old sitting next to me.  I barely got a few lines down before Lady L, my sweet little 2 year old walks in.  At this point I just closed the computer.  Of course once Sir E awoke it was easier to get back to work.  He hung out in their room and they all played (for the most part) together happily.  I love writing, its part of the reason I started this blog to begin with.  I'm a good writer, I dont know if I'm best selling author good, but I'm good.  Aside from being a mom I've only ever wanted to be a writer and I know one day that dream will come true, but for now I have to put it on hold a lot.  I have three children, two at home with me during the day, a house to care for, and a husband who bust his butt daily for us.  As much as I would love to be able to put everything on hold and completely throw myself into this, I can't and I'm actually ok with that.  And for the record I love my kids and though it may drive me mad some times I love their inquisitive nature. 

On a completely unrelated note, it occurred to me moments ago that I keep my right pinkie held above the others when using my right hand.  It is as if I am at high tea at all times.  Let that just soak in for a little bit.

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