Thursday, October 9, 2014

Life Goes On

I am on day for of my Whole30.  I had to restart...twice.  The first time was the day after my grandmothers funeral.  My mother had been cooking for so many people and though my sister and I tried to help when we could, she was just over cooking.  So we had pizza and salad.  Mine was at least gluten free.  I took a break the following day as we tried to get things back in order at home, and then proceeded to eat half a snickers bar the following night...and a small bag of chips.  Ive done pretty well though.  My sugar cravings are a little less each day.  The main point of the day that truly hits me is at night.  I want sugar so bad.  Last night I actually didn't have a snack other than a banana.  I was too tired to put an effort into making something, but needed a little something.  Ive been making this "ice cream" as a little dessert for myself.  Its been warmer than usually the past few days and Ive wanted something cool to eat.  All it contains is a frozen banana (I added some strawberries too), coconut milk, and vanilla.  Sooooo good.  The coconut milk gives me a little more fat too which is awesome.  Usually when the food cravings hit I go for a bowl of fruit with Almond Butter.  Helps to fill me up and helps with the sweet cravings.  I actually don't eat a lot of fruit during the day, just mainly once a day since I realized last time I was eating fruit all the time in place of the sugar.  Now I just eat it if I'm starving at night and to kill that crazy beast telling me I need chocolate. 

Since I'm only 4 days in I'm not noticing a lot of chances.  I have noticed that I just want to sleep the mornings away and that I have to push myself to get things done around the house, but once I get going I start to feel better.  I have noticed that the I'm not always starving like I was when I did the first one so many months ago, which is nice.  I have also noticed my body seems to be craving fish.  We cant afford much right now but I did buy some frozen wild caught salmon the other week and it was amazing.  I tried to make some salmon cakes today but canned salmon belch.

Ive been trying to make an effort in my appearance lately.  After B and I got married I stopped wearing contacts since that was something our insurance didn't cover.  I still wore make up most of the time, but not a lot and B always liked me without the crazy dark eyeliner I use to wear.  It completely brought out my eyes though.  After Lady G was born I didn't even bother, I didn't have time, but once she got older I started to wear it again, then Lady L came along.  Needless to say for the past 4 ish years I've only put makeup on when we were going some where nice and it was just the two of us.  The past few days though Ive been wearing it again.  Nothing like how I use to but, a little, as well as a necklace or earrings.  It makes me feel better about myself.  I would curl my hair too, but its in that in between stage of growing.  I was fixing Lady G's hair today and realized I should teach her that appearance is important, though not everything.  We talked about how you dress can say a lot about you and I want to make sure that I put an effort into my appearance from now on.  Often times people look at me, hair up, yoga pants, and a tank and think, "bless her heart she must not get any time to herself with all those kids".  While this is partially true, it doesn't mean that I should be pitied.  What they dont know is that I have a thyroid condition that makes me tired, and some times depressed.  What they dont know is that I dont feel comfortable in my jeans because of the little bulge I have from three children.  What they dont know is that I had time to get dressed, I have time to shower, I had time to maybe even put on make up, but I chose not too.  The reason could be as simple as we just needed bananas or more complex like my son keeps having random spells of vomiting and we've been cooped up for days but I really needed to take the Ladies to the park before they went crazy from staying in doors forever.  I dont want to be looked at as a disheveled mother anymore.  My children are dressed neatly and cleanly, why shouldn't I be?  I put an effort into their appearance and I should do the same with mine.  Plus like I said it makes me feel good about myself.

On the meal out look we are having chili tonight.  Im a little worried about how spicy it might end up being, but here's to hoping.  I am going to warm some beans up for Lady G, Lady L, and maybe even let Sir E have some too.  The Ladies seem to think its not chili without the beans, what ever, extra protein and they aren't doing a Whole30 with me.  Lady L is doing a 90-95/10-5 with me meaning 90-95% of the time she is eating Whole30.  Lady G's is much less thanks to school.  B I couldn't even tell you.  He said if I do this by myself for the full 30 days he'd do one next.  Yea...sure.  He did admit to having to self control and that is why he isn't doing it with me.  I personally just want him to stop complaining about it.  He keeps telling me he wishes we could eat like we use to.  It drives me made.  We use to eat fairly well, but we had a ton of gluten in our lives.  After I had Lady L I would get these crippling headaches that would only go away if I slept.  I took gluten out and they disappeared.  I cant go back to eating gluten all the time and honestly I dont want to.  Its fine with me to have it once in a blue moon, but not daily.  I'm pretty sure thats what he misses is the gluten.  We had it in everything.  Ive been making Lady L these breakfast bowls of sausage, egg, veggies and since I found some awesome salsa, salsa.  B made himself one, but used some flour tortillas I had bough a few weeks ago for him (I'm so use to not using them I just use lettuce when we have "tacos" as do the girls).  He for some reason thought that he needed them and I kept trying to tell him he could just make a bowl and it would taste just as good.  He's stubborn, but mark my words, when he does his Whole30 he will not cheat.  I even told him if he did it I would let him go back to eating whatever he wanted, I wouldnt make it or buy it,  but he could.  My hope is that once he finishes the Whole30 he'll see how much better he feels and if he does eat junk his body will reject it.

On a fun note, I made Paleo mayo that was amazing.  Ive made it before, but this recipe was a little different and I loved it.  From there I turned it into Paleo ranch for some buffalo chicken meat balls I made and it was great.  I feel really good about my cooking skills when I make things like that. 

Well I'm done with my long ranting of an up date, but I have a feeling that if you read this blog you like my ranting dont you?  Come on admit it.  There ya go.

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