Wednesday, June 22, 2011

BAM We have a number two to add to our number 1 or is that number 5?

So finally made it to the new duty station.  House is freaking sweeeeet (I totally just said that like a teen).  I love our house.  Fenced in backyard, huge living room, its all pretty awesome.  Most of the unpacking is done.  I really need to make our room like neat and finish up in the laundry room.  I also think there are like two boxes in the hall closet, but they are all winter stuff so not in too big of a hurry.  Got some ideas for Monkeys room.  Thinking about a big tree with a monkey hanging in it.  HA just got a great idea.  Have the monkey wearing a shirt that has her name on it.  Totally cute.  Anyways, the base seems pretty chill (yes I did just say that).  Everyone is really nice and relaxed here.  Husband was suppose to be going to a school in July but that just may be canceled due to the fact that he has probably broken his right ankle and will now need surgery.  Peachy I know.  Also because of this still not sure if we will make it to my parents for the 4th.  I'm really wanting to but it all depends.

So a bit of news for those who stalk me (you know who you two are and I dont know who you other people are which just kind of makes it creepy yet thrilling all at the same time) we recently found out that I am pregnant.  It was kind of funny because I thought that perhaps I was jumping onto my mothers cycle so the fact that I was five days late was not too big of a deal.  Well while unpacking the bathroom items I found a pregnancy test and thought hell if I'm five days late this thing should tell me no matter the time of day.  So I went and laid down on the couch for a bit and drank some water (Monkey was napping and I needed a little break) and finally the urge to pee hit me.  So I go and take it and the negative line popped up first and I was like I knew it and right as I went to sit it down on the counter something caught my eye and so I looked again and the negative turned to a positive.  I about flipped.  I sent husband a picture text with the words "this means we're pregnant".  He was super stoked.  I think it will be pretty cool to have him around for this pregnancy.  He'll get to feel the baby move and everything plus he'll get to be there for the birth which is something he missed for Monkey well actually he missed everything for Monkey but still.  Anyways, I'm kind of sad though because this means we have to move AGAIN and this also means I'm just going to get that much fatter...I wanted to lose my last 20 lbs before getting pregnant with number 2.  Oh well, just looks like I'll have to work that much harder after wards.

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