Friday, September 26, 2014


Sir E is turning one in just a few short months, December 13th my wee man will be a big man.  It is exciting and heart breaking since he is my last sweet baby.  I have his pictures scheduled to be taken with a good friend of mine who does amazing work.  She is officially our family photographer.  I will post a few pictures she done at the end as well as her facebook page in case you happen to be local to her in AR. 

I am so excited for these pictures.  I have one very special picture planned for daddy.  I am making Lady G a Michigan themed maxi dress (possibly a matching one for Lady L), and I will either be making or buying Sir E a coordinating out fit.  I also want to get an updated nursing photo.  When he had his pictures taken around a month after his birth, I looked horrible (Ill post that picture as well).  I was well over 200 pounds and though I had just had a baby, it still broke my heart to see how large I was in those photos.  Back in January, I did my first Whole30 with my mom, husband, and half way my dad (he wouldnt give up the alcohol).  I was amazed.  I dropped down into the 190s pretty quickly.  After we finished it life of course got in the way with B getting a new job and us moving an hour away from my parents.  B and I attempted one in March but feel off of it pretty quickly.  Same thing in June and August.  A problem I have is keeping B going as well as myself.  He gets cranky towards the end of week 1.  He complains of being hungry and is constantly asking me what can he eat.  Its never enough for him either, he needs more.  I keep telling him he is craving sugar and he needs to just ride it out or that he is board, but he doesnt listen.  So  I am not going to motivate him this time.  I am starting tomorrow and sticking to it until Thanksgiving.  I dont want to look like a cow when I get Sir E's pictures done this time.  I want to look good and feel good.  The last time we tried it I stuck it out til the end of week 2.  I dropped down to 186 (lost 10 lbs) but sadly I have gained some of that back (191 right now) and Im not happy about it.  I dont want to look and feel this way anymore.  And I want my energy back.  I always feel so good when I am eating right, no headaches, not mood swings, no exhaustion.  I want to make this change and I have confidence that I can.  So I am going to post what I eat to keep myself accountable.  Expect leftovers for lunch.

Now for the pictures!  Enjoy!

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