Thursday, September 18, 2014

Life and What Not

So I will apologize to any of my avid readers.  I have been MIA for some time now.  Life often has a way of getting in the way.  Anyways things have been a struggle for us.  I have no problem in admitting we are in financial failure right now.  Its actually a bit funny to me, I thought once we left the military things would be looking up but even with the job my husband has it is a struggle.  Thankfully he is going to college now and we shall be getting what is called BAH again!  Its a wonderful amount that will cover the bills we are struggling with.  It will be nice when he gets his first full pay check at the end of this month.  To be able to breathe again ah. 

On the child front Lady G is back at school this year.  She is in the four year old class and actually has two best friends (both boys) in her class.  Last year she stuck with the five year olds.  As much as my husband hates it I completely understand why she only wants to play with the boys.  The boys play superhero and like her to be the mommy superhero.  They dont treat her like a baby and I have a feeling they also let her be the boss.  I hate myself a little for what I am about to say, but it seems as though most of the little girls in her class are bitches.  I know I know, how cruel of me!  What if that were my child someone was calling a bitch??  Well truth be told I occasionally think Lady L is a bitch.  She screams at Sir E, pushes him over, and though I was not in the room, I am about 90% sure she tried to spank yea...  In all seriousiness these little girls need to be taught not to push people around.  There is evidently a little girl who forces Lady G to shove her tooth brush down the drown...Im just saying that sounds like a bitch to me.  In fact Lady G told me she didnt play with this little girls because she makes her do things she doesnt want to.  She's bossy.  Thankfully we will most likely have moved out of state by the time this little girl turns into a drama queen.  Now of course my children are not perfect, they do however have manors and now that if someone doesnt want to do something you dont force them like an evil dictator, (Ok Lady G knows this...Lady L, well like I said occasionally I may think shes a bit of a bitch...) 

Sir E has been doing pretty amazing since his surgery to have tubes put him.  The moment he realized how amazing sound was probably the best moment of his life for me.  Even now, months later he still loves noise.  At only 9 months, my son knows what it is to be grateful for something.  I feel as though he will be a musician.  He seems to have a beat in him that comes out in his right foot when the music plays haha.  I wish I could say things have been smoothe sailing with him since he got his hearing back, but it really hasnt.  This past month he started to randomly vomit and have diarrahea, I thought that he had some type of stomach virus, since B had been down with something too.  It lasted about 24 hours and he was back to normal.  The following week the diarrahea returned, lasted 24 hourish then was gone.  Next week vomiting and dirrahea again.  He ended up losing over a pound taking from from just over 16 to barely 15.  His doctor started thinking food allergy, so for the past few weeks we have been writing down everything he eats, how much, and when.  Its been tiring, but he hasnt been sick and I think he has gained some.  Im hoping he will be 17 lbs when we go back at the beginning of next month, but who knows.  He is flurishing though, dispite his set backs.  He is crawling, standing, and furniture cruising like a champ.  He says Momma, bye bye, and just started to say mil for milk.  Hes a smart one too. 

In other family news, we got a new dog, cant remember if I posted that or not, but it was back before school let out last year.  He was 3 months when we got him and now at 8 months he towers over Samantha.  He is a Great Pyrenees mix (we think with Shepard).  We found out this breed isnt considered full grown until 2 years...He is a wonderful dog though.  He loves the kiddos.  When the girls play outside he stays right with them, always insuring they are fine.  He is probably the sweet and yet most intimidating dog I have ever seen.  Samantha you know is protective.  The moment someone walks up to the door she lets out a booming aggressive bark, but not the pup.  The pup sits quietly and stares you down.  You cant read him, I can but you cant.  Its glorious.  He also loves Sir E.  He lets him roll around and climb all over him. 

Well I think I have you all caught up for now.  I have little people who are ready for food.  Lady G is busy on some home schooling work since her school has been closed for two days due to plumbing issues, so in order to keep her on the track to kindergarten next year Ive got to keep up with school work at home.  Lady L did a little abcmouse today until mommy was ready to explode because she couldnt stand Lady L not listening with the mouse...After nap time I will work with her on writing skills while Lady G enjoys some abcmouse time.  Anyways not proof reading this so have fun!

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