Ive never been one to throw myself into anything social wise. I dont like large groups of people I have never met or barely know. I want to change that about myself and today I took a step in doing so.
I am by no means a health expert, however I do know a lot of about proper eating habits and alternative medicine. They are both something I practice daily with my own family. Im also really big on carseat safety. All this being said today I had a parent meeting at Lady L's school and they were electing parents for various jobs. I was volentold to be the mom monitor for Lady G's room (not really sure what that means just yet...) but I also volunteered to be the ambassador for her school on Health and Safety. I get to go to a conference at some point in time this year and get to hear about what they think is good health and safety and hopefully get to throw in some new ideas about real health and safety.
While talking about snacks for the fall festival we were told healthy snacks can be brought, but nothing homemade. A grandparent posed the question of what was considered healthy, would they consider baked chips healthy? Mentally I laughed. One of the heads of the centers replied, "Yes like you could do Cheetos too." Thankfully my jaw didn't job. This is why I volunteered for this position. Lady G informed me one day they had oreos (she called them daddy's special cookies since we don't actually buy oreos, but I knew what she was talking about) for snack. Now I'm pretty sure that wasn't for snack but more like served with lunch, but thats not healthy. She told me another day they had these chips with cheese. I said Doritos? She said ya those things. Again, not healthy. They think what they are serving is healthy because of words like Natural flavors, Made from All Natural Fruit juice, only 12 grams of sugar, ect, but they aren't reading the ingredient list.
I dont expect to make a change while my daughter is still in school. I do however expect to be that tiny little voice that pushes for a change. That is all it ever takes is one little voice who is willing to make themselves heard.
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