So today was Lady G's first day at the new school. I think she will be fine and I am praying her teacher is on the same page with me of the no babying her. It's not her fault she is the same size as the average two year please don't treat her like she is one. Anyways she shut down like says when it came time to meet and great but B was desperate for me to get home because Sir E was screaming bloody murder. Of course when I walked in the door B had gotten him to take a bottle for the first time and had him content. Anyways let me back track some. My morning was suppose to start at 530, however two minutes to 4 I awoke. I looked down at Sir E who was rooting and thought hey ill rock him and nurse then lay him in his bed. He nursed like a champ and was dead asleep by 410. And then his head hit his day had started. 5 am I did my workout and realized that while doing my jumping jacks my neighbors could see my shadow through the window. Could they also see the flab of my belly fat bouncing up and down too? Or perhaps they were too distracted by my boobs... I live in a high traffic area so yea... After my work I made myself breakfast took a shower and marveled at what life without children must be like. From there I got Lady G up, put Lady L back to bed and watched my husband proceed to co sleep with our son making him a huge hypocrite. Apparently co sleeping is only ok when the man with PTSD does it. He did however admit to me later that he has no idea how I sleep like that. Anyways after I dropped Lady G off I proceed to come home feed Lady L, but Sir E to bed, and crash. Thank God Lady L loves Mickey Mouse and it was on for 30 minutes followed by Henry Huggle Monster her favorite show. A fun fact about Lady L she hates tv, but God was on our side today with back to back awesomeness for this little lady.
Now for my fun rant. F you woodland creatures. We have a huge and I do mean huge like the size of our cat huge, squirrel living in our tree out back. B and the Lady's decided to try and feed it my VERY expensive trail mix. Bitch hasn't touched it for days...neither have the birds! And it's not like m&ms and crap it's basically what these little bastards forage for and they won't flipping eat it! It's like 12 bucks for a small carton of this stuff and though I love my Lady's I would not have in a million years thrown this stuff on the porch, but B has a soft spot and gives them and had no idea he was throwing money outside. I just want to yell this shit is gourmet! But I doubt that would info encourage them. I do however feel like it might have something to do with the fact that it is so close to the back door so I picked it up and threw it in the yard. Either way F you woodland creatures.
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