Monday, March 24, 2014

I Do Not Have Twins.

I became pregnant with Lady L when Lady G was 13 months old (which is also how old Lady L was when I became pregnant with Sir E).  Lady G and Lady L are 22 months apart.  Lady G is taller, speaks more clearly (though Lady L talks above her age level) and has longer hair.  She has lost her baby face and is beginning to look like a little girl, not a toddler.  Lady L has that short baby hair still and cute little cheeks with just a little chubby in them.  Her head comes just below Lady G's shoulder and is noticeably smaller.  Yes they are obviously sisters and yes they are close in age, but they do not in any way resemble TWINS!  They are not twins.  Stop asking me if they are twins.  They are not twins, they get their red hair from both parents and lets just assume that if you have to ask where they get the red hair it is their daddy if he is not present, if he is present just keep your damn mouth shut.  Weather you can tell I have red highlights or not it really isn't any of your business where they get the red hair from.  What do you want me to say?  Oh they get it from their Great Aunt twice removed on my mother's side?  (I understand that makes zero sense)  Or how about the mailman?  Is that what you want to hear?  Seriously stop asking.  You want to make contact with me because I have three cute, well behaved children.  Fine.  The people who say "Look at that gorgeous red hair!" Or "Oh they are so precious" or even "You have such well behaved children."  That's fine, you people are doing good.  You are complementing me which I appreciate, and you aren't trying to pry into my personal life.  Thank you, but to all you other nosy people, they are not twins, they get their red hair from both sides, and please stop trying to make physical contact.  Also the one in the Ergo Baby Carrier is a BOY.  Would have thought the green carrier and blue shirt he was wearing would give it away....

Rant over.  Goodnight.

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