Friday, March 28, 2014

The Way I Eat

I eat what is called Paleo, which stands for Paleolithic or Caveman diet.  I started eating this way because I have hypothyroidism and developed a gluten intolerance.  My very good friend who is also Paleo started it in hopes of putting her thyroid into remission which had also become my hope for myself as well as her.  We started off doing a Whole30 after Sir E was born.  It was rough, nothing but fruit, veggies, and meat for every meal.  You seriously have to get creative if you dont have Well Fed or Well Fed 2 the cook books that go along with the book It Starts With Food which is the Whole30.  After our 30 days were up it seemed so much easier to know what kind of Paleo eater I was going to be.  Lady L has gluten issues and dairy issues, so for her sack and mine, we kept out those two things completely.  Instead of milk we use Almond milk and on the rare occasions we want to eat a sandwich we go with Udi's Gluten Free Bread (AMAZING).  From there I looked at what else seemed to bother my children and my husbands bellies.  Sugar was a huge kicker for Lady G.  It caused attitude problems, she was arguing lashing out, back talking, and all around in a bad mood, but once sugar was removed her attitude totally changed.  For my husband it was anything and everything processed and dairy as well though he refused to admit it.  When we took out things like Taco Bell, and all forms of junk food from the store (Hamburger Helper, Mac & Cheese, anything Great Value and GMOS) he stopped having what were symptoms of leaky gut.  Now when he falls off the wagon and eats even something small (like a snickers bar) he is running straight to the bathroom and all I say is I told you so.  We do very well though this week was a bad one for us.  Every once in a while we will have a week like this and sugar sneaks its way in there.  (I bought donuts...but the yuckiness was so worth it!)

There are different types of Paleo Eaters.  There are the, Im on a new fab diet, the Paleo when I can afford it or have time for it also called the on again off agains, and then there is us.  We are (for the most part) strict Paleo Eaters.  Now I do have cereal in this house and I do have sugar in this house (my sugar I would be willing to bet unless you are a health nut is better than yours).  I have cereal that is organic GMO free and low sugar for my kiddos to have on days that mommy had a very rough night with Sir E (he is only 3 months).  But most often I make eggs, bacon, sausage, paleo pancakes (sugar comes from an apple, or banana), sweet potato hash, the list goes on.  We eat good.  Before breakfast I am trying my hardest to make sure I work out.  Gets my metabolism going for the day and I need to work out.  For lunch we usually have whatever remains of the night befores dinner.  Leftovers get eaten in this house.  If we have none which can happen, then we eat healthy sandwich meat, veggies, and fruit.  Some times I throw shrimp in the cast iron skillet with veggies and that is our lunch.  And some times just to mix it up we have hot dogs (very healthy hot dogs).  Dinner meat and veggies then fruit for dessert.  Now this sounds boring to most of you.  Your thinking I eat steamed everything with no salt, no pepper, no seasoning!  Uck!  The HORROR!  You are wrong.  I have salt I use BUTTER!  I eat BACON tons of IT and I use BACON GREASE IN MY COOKING!!!!  IT SEASONS MY CAST IRONS!!!!  WHAAAAA????  You say.  Bacon is not bad, uncured, sugar free, nitrate free bacon is not bad.  Butter is not bad.  Grassfed clarified butter (also called Ghee) is not bad.  Its good for you and my God does it make your food taste amazing.  As for salt?  I use sea salt.  My meat?  Anything from free range chicken, to grassfed beef, to wild caught salmon.  Yummo.  My grocery bill?  Well we are working on that.  We are finding that buying in bulk is the key but we still have to work on it.  Its worth is though.  Our kids are healthy and happy.  They love their food.  Do you have any idea how wonderful it is to be told at every meal "Mmmm Mommy I love this".  We dont often fight about finishing whats on our plates.  My kids eat veggies, veggies they have never even heard of they will give it a try.  For instance, Lady L found her grilled Bell Peppers a little on the wild side, but B asked her nicely and so she gave it a go.  The green ones she spit back out, but the yellow ones she seemed to enjoy.  Point is she tried them without a fight.  And do you know what their favorite things as of now are?  Fish and smoothies.  Smoothies made with fruits, avocados, spinach, and coconut milk.  As long as Lady G doesnt notice that its green she loves it.  We started eating this way because of allergies, but after learning more about it we eat this way because its how are bodies are suppose to eat.  We take in real good.  Does this mean we have no good treats like ever?  Nope.  I still make cookies for a special treat, or cupcakes, or brownies, maybe once a month, but the difference is now they are made with almond flour, coconut flour, and fruit or syrup/honey for a sugar.  Now they are so much better for us while still seeming to be something bad.  My kids dont demand fried foods.  They point at candy and say ew candy!  Because they know its bad for them.  I love the way we eat and for everyone who thinks its just some fab new diet or that we dont get to eat anything good, I say get the book, read it well, and learn about what your really putting into your body.  I bet you'll find that a whole lot of things change when your food does.

Goodnight All.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Grilling in the Rain

It has been a busy week that seems like it has just flown by.  B worked on Wensday which will count for overtime (YAY) and I think thats why it feels like we have lost our week.  His 14 year old sister is here for Spring Break so we went and did some shopping on Tuesday.  Got Lady G tones of cute clothes from Old Navy, but realized too late that I got them in 3T when I should have gotten them in 4T.  In a few months all those cute tops are going to be getting snug.  Guess I'll just have to go back and shop some more!  Anyways, its been a fun week though seemingly short.  B and Baby Sister just went to get some smoothies since the Ladies our down for bed.  Sir E took a late 30 minute nap so hes still up.  Sucks since I like to have them all down at the same time, but some times it happens. 

So today was a rainy day.  B took the Ladies for their bike ride though before it all hit.  Of course it decided to start storming while Baby Sister and I were out getting groceries.  We got home just in time to avoid the huge down pour though.  We had decided to cook Kabobs tonight and my God were they amazing.  B did a wonderful job of grilling them, he is still new to using his grill so there's always that worry of them being overcooked, but he did great loved them.  We threw some pineapple on with some shrimp too and they turned out great as well.  I have to tell ya I love food that is grilled, grilled and cast iron equal just amazing.  In fact I barely use anything but cast iron anymore.  We also have tons of meat we can grill which has B ecstatic.   I like it when he grills, all thats left for me is veggies and the clean up is so much faster.  Plus on nice days the Ladies can be out with him burning off that endless energy of theirs.  I will be so happy when their new swing set gets here.  I know they are looking forward to it and it will give them something else to do aside from tag or riding their little four wheeler.  Both Ladies do pretty good at imaginative play.  Lady G more than Lady L unless of course Lady G is at school, then Lady L is free to do as she wishes without her bossy sister haha.  Im all for them using their brains and coming up with games on their own, but the swing set will allow them to give that creative part a little break and help with their muscle development.  I wont lie though, I am very worried about broken bones because they are so small for their age, BUT the swing set I have ordered seems like its small.  Their is a picture of a woman squatting down next to the slide and the top barely comes over her head, so I think we shall be OK.  I know that they are excited for it and with warmer weather approaching, it will come at the perfect time. 

On the Sir E front, he has a nasty cough from Lady G.  She doesnt seem to understand despite me constantly telling her, that she cant get in her brothers face when she has a cold.  Thankfully he is getting better and in a wonderful mood.  He also will roll from his back to his belly...but only if he sees my boobs...I consider this not just a mom problem, but a Breast Feeding moms problem...  I laid on my side next to him today, boobs covered, and he started to roll towards them...B says motivation, I say the boy has an addiction to my boobs.  He is also becoming super active now.  He loves to reach for his toys, shove things in his mouth and just like Lady L very vocal.  I have a feeling he will be talking just like her shortly after one and that means full sentences. 

Well here is my rant for the day.  Little Sister and I were at the store.  We were in the check out line and as usually everyone and their Grandmother needed to check out.  So they open the express line.  The guy checks out one elderly lady before closing since some else opened up another line.  I didnt see anyone else in the express line when he closed it, though evidently there was a woman with her infant child, son, and either daughter or sister.  The young girl calls out to him saying "Umm Sir you closed the line"  to which he replies "Oh Im sorry would you like me to open it back up?"  She says "Um yea!"  The older woman than say where everyone in my line can here "He saw us and close the line that is so fucking rude."  Their is a baby about 9 months in our line.  I held my tongue though I really didnt want to.  Im now watching this guy check them out.  He is hurrying, most likely because they are being rude and could very easily become disgruntled.  Now before I contiune let me state that the older woman was in what I would consider PJs and not acceptable for the store unless of course you cant afford nicer clothes (or are sick or have a sick child and need to run in run out no the case here).  From the way she was talking and acting I wonder if that is not the case, though her kids were dressed for going out.  So as this guy is bagging things the older woman says "If your gonna throw my things than I want someone else to check me out."  Poor guy was just stunned, didnt know what to say.  He was not throwing a single thing, he was working quickly but not throwing.  He did the right thing by just keeping his mouth shut.  How do I know this?  Im a people watcher.  Ive watched women/men like this plently of times and I know she would have said were he to apologize, "Dont say sorry just stop throwing my shit".  I held my tongue and thankfully another woman called us to her line so I didnt have to keep listening to this woman I wanted to call out.  First off there is no reason to be rude.  Giving him the benefit of the doubt Im going to say he didnt see them, I didnt and I was right next to the express lane.  I saw them walk up but he had already walked off when they did.  Secondly he did not give them an attitude and was nice enough to open it back up for them when he could have easily said "sorry other lanes are open now youll just have to get into one of those."  Thirdly if you find it ok to swear in front of your children then that is fine, but how about you not swear in front of other peoples children.  That is rude, something that you clearly have a problem with since you thought this young man was being rude for having not seen you walk up after he had already left. If you wanna talk about being rude, his actions were nothing compared to your actions.  Before you start off on calling someone rude and cursing about it, think about how rude you are being.  Do you know how you stop rude manors?  By being above them.  I applaud that guy.  He stood above their very childish action.  And to those people, I hope your day got better, because obviously you had to have had a rough one.  Also I am refusing to go into the rant of that baby girl eating a sugar cookie and Grandma thinking it was the cutest thing ever....another day perhaps.

Monday, March 24, 2014

I Do Not Have Twins.

I became pregnant with Lady L when Lady G was 13 months old (which is also how old Lady L was when I became pregnant with Sir E).  Lady G and Lady L are 22 months apart.  Lady G is taller, speaks more clearly (though Lady L talks above her age level) and has longer hair.  She has lost her baby face and is beginning to look like a little girl, not a toddler.  Lady L has that short baby hair still and cute little cheeks with just a little chubby in them.  Her head comes just below Lady G's shoulder and is noticeably smaller.  Yes they are obviously sisters and yes they are close in age, but they do not in any way resemble TWINS!  They are not twins.  Stop asking me if they are twins.  They are not twins, they get their red hair from both parents and lets just assume that if you have to ask where they get the red hair it is their daddy if he is not present, if he is present just keep your damn mouth shut.  Weather you can tell I have red highlights or not it really isn't any of your business where they get the red hair from.  What do you want me to say?  Oh they get it from their Great Aunt twice removed on my mother's side?  (I understand that makes zero sense)  Or how about the mailman?  Is that what you want to hear?  Seriously stop asking.  You want to make contact with me because I have three cute, well behaved children.  Fine.  The people who say "Look at that gorgeous red hair!" Or "Oh they are so precious" or even "You have such well behaved children."  That's fine, you people are doing good.  You are complementing me which I appreciate, and you aren't trying to pry into my personal life.  Thank you, but to all you other nosy people, they are not twins, they get their red hair from both sides, and please stop trying to make physical contact.  Also the one in the Ergo Baby Carrier is a BOY.  Would have thought the green carrier and blue shirt he was wearing would give it away....

Rant over.  Goodnight.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Lady L

I am writing tomorrows post tonight since I will be busy all day.  Sorry that I still do not have a rant of the day, perhaps something will hit me tomorrow during my drive to and from my mothers.  Anyways, Lady L.  She is my middle baby, my crankest, my clingest, and my bravest.  This is the kid I shall find hanging from the tree out back one day.  I am actually surprised she has yet to break an arm or leg.  She did however mange at 6 months to pull herself up onto my metal bed frame, lose her balance and slice the spot in between her eye brow and eyelid open.  No stitches though. 

Now Lady L is actually my favorite two year old.  As much as she frustrates me I love her as a two year old more than I did Lady G.  I love Lady G as a three year old.  She is amazing.  Lady L can talk in full sentences, is completely daytime/nap time potty trained, a meat lover, and just the goofiest, most awkward little thing.  But she is also creepy as hell.  Here is why.  Lady L is a sleep walker.  She doesn't do it often, in fact it is so sporadic that it freaks B and I out every time it happens.  Sometimes you find her just sitting straight up in her bed, eyes wide open, other times she just talks.  Once I heard her say "No Sissy Its MY COOKIE!"  Found that one funny.  Lady G is a sleep talker for sure, but nothing compares to the craziness of Lady L.  Like today.  B and I were in our room talking about who would pick up Lady G from school.  I heard the Ladies door open and turn around to find Lady L coming out of her room.  She looked happy and well rested despite it being an hour before nap time should be over.  I told her to go potty and she said to me in her little sing song voice "OK Mommy".  I turned back around to B not paying attention to her assuming she was heading to the bathroom right next door.  B and I finished our conversation and I went to check on Lady L.  The bathroom door was closed with the light off.  I thought no way is she in there and sure enough she was not.  I called out to her and from the living comes her little voice.  "I going POTTY!"  Im confused by this and hurry to the living room where I find her, pants down, sitting on her stool to her desk.  I of course freak out and rush her to the bathroom when it hits me, this child is not awake.  It took some time to calm her down because now her dream state is confused and scared.  I get her back into bed where she seemingly falls asleep.  After a short goodbye to B I realize Lady L is screaming her head off.  I go into her room only to find her with her eyes closed and hand in her hair twirling it (a nasty habit we have yet to kick).  I try to wake her up but she doesnt.  However my voice is soothing to her so I tell her Im going to go clean off my bed and then she can come lay with me.  When I come  back she is more propped up on her pillow, hand still in hair, but eyes slightly open.  I ask her if she wants to come to mommy's bed or stay in here.  She said stay.  So figuring she is slowly waking up I decide to turn on Daniel Tiger, the only show she watches.  As I'm heading to the tv I ask her if she wants to watch Daniel Tiger, no response.  I turn around to find the blanket pulled over her head and her breathing back to that heavy deep sleeping...What the crap?  This all took place in about a 10-15 minute span.  She slept til 3.

Fallin Off the Wagon

So I started a 30 day work out plan but stopped it when I got the stomach bug last week.  I should have started it back up on Tuesday, but I didn't and now my 14 year old sister in law is coming to visit for Spring Break and there is no way I am jumping up and down in front of her at 6am in the morning.  I was planning on just getting up and taking the Old Dog for a run this morning.  She needs the exercise and 6am in this neighborhood is the only time no one is up, but of course Sir E was on night 2 of no sleeping.  He slept through the night two days in a row and is now waking up at midnight and nursing, tossing, nursing, tossing, until about 6 am when he wants to be up.  Its very tiring and I don't for see myself being able to run after being up all night.  I am hoping this is just some random growth spurt and he will even back out soon.  Anyways I am going to try with all my might to do something while she is here.  I am thinking Ill have to peruse my pinterest and go from there.  I can run on the days B works, so Ill have three days of no cardio I guess, unless I feel like doing some.  As for eating healthy we stick to Paleo.  Thanks to dairy and gluten allergies for Lady L and I we eat strict Paleo most of the time, however when B brings home Shipley's Donuts you pretty much have no choice but to eat those suckers.  I found after doing a Whole30 and sticking with being a stricter Paleo that most junk food tasted horrible.  I couldn't stand Mc Donalds to begin with but now even the smell makes me gag.  This goes for just about everything else out there too.  Shipley's though...they are doing something different with there stuff because man was I a fat kid in a candy store and usually as long as I'm not starving, I have self control.  It has taken some time, and many of slip ups but I am slowly mastering self control, this morning however I would be called a liar.  Those were some damn good donuts and I will take the headache, stomach ache, and cranky toddler, who usually doesn't like sweet things or breaded things but ate the hell out of her sprinkled covered donuts.  That's right she had more than one.  I will say though that sugar doesn't seem to effect her like it does her sister.  When you give Lady L a donut, she gets an attitude and cranky because her stomach hurts from the gluten and dairy.  She will get constipated (or the opposite) and just not feel well, which is why she doesn't get those kinds of things very often.  By keeping them mostly out of her diet, they don't seem to bother her as Beverly as they would if she had them every day.  Lady G however gets the absolute worst attitude in the world if she has refined sugar.  And sadly every day at school she gets sugar.  I tried my best not to laugh in the face of her teacher when she tried to tell me that the gummy treats she gives them for taking a nap is good for them.  It has dyes in it, sugar in it, and zero ORGANIC ingredients.  NATURAL does not mean healthy.  FROM CONCENTRATE does not mean healthy.  ORGANIC means no added hormones, no msgs, no antibiotics, no pesticides,  ect ect.  Thankfully she will not be giving them to Lady G anymore.  Anyways I have been trying to figure out what has been Gracie's problem lately.  She seems to always be in a bad mood, she isnt listening, shes been making bad choices and its really just started this week.  This is her second week at the new school, before then she was home with me and the little ones.  She ate bacon, eggs, sausage, or mommy approved cereal, she had almond milk, water, truly organic juice, no bread, meat and veggies, and fruit for a snack or dessert.  At school she gets milk, sugary cereal, bread, and artificially flavored juice. Everything she eats at school are things we have completely cut out of our diets.  B asked me today why we cant make her breakfast and lunch for school.  I think that's a good question, they explained it to me once before, but I cant remember now.  Even if I had a doctor sign off on her not being allowed to eat all this stuff, there would be no way the school could proved an alternative.  I'm thinking that once B starts school and as he keeps getting these mini raised I may look into private school.  It may be too expensive and if so I might just pull her out and put her in a dance class.  We only have her go to school at this age for the social interaction.  Home Schooling wouldn't be too difficult since that's basically what I was doing before she was old enough for school.  Either way all this extra sugar is making this kid go crazy.  You can just see shes in a cranky mood.  Thankfully Monday is the start of Spring Break, which means she will be home for a whole week eating correctly.  Yay.  I think today I shall do the meal planning, tomorrow and Sunday can be Lady G's detox days, and after that it should be smoothe sailing. 

Well this is usually where my rant of the day comes in, but I actually do not have one today so I will end with a short funny text message story.  My good dear friend and I were having a conversation and I cant even remember what I said anymore but her response was that she misses me so much and needs to figure out how to get to me asap.  She then says WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME???  My response?  We are probably soul mates but not in the I wanna scissor you manor.  Yup Best Friends right there.  Good day All and I am not proofing reading this so good luck!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Post Without a Title

A witty title has escaped me today.  So after a night of wine and Ale, I got a wonderful nights sleep.  Know that I do not drink, like ever.  I am a breastfeeding momma of three (the nursling being only 3 months) so drinking is really not an option for me.  Too many unknowns while in a sleep coma.  However Sir E slept from 8 til 4 which was a amazing.  The night before he slept from 830 til 545 and my boobs had no idea what to do with themselves, so when he finally woke up to nurse, one just leaked uncontrollably.  Id like to say that I got up and changed my clothes but I didnt.  If you are a mom you will understand when I say it was like that moment when your kid accidentally pees in the bed and you just put a towel over it and tell them to go back to sleep, except instead of a towel I just left my shirt up and bra undone.  Worked like a charm.  Speaking of bed wetting, Lady L has been peeing at some random point in the night and then sleeping through it smelling of the worst kind of urine know to man, old urine...We have these hand dandy covers that go over the mattress and sheets so that if there is an accident its easily cleaned up, but it doesnt work if she sleeps through peeing.  So back into "pull ups" for night time.  Its actually the Huggies Slip Ons, which I recommend to anyone potty training and not doing cloth because they are cheaper than actual pull ups.  Lady L hates them though, she wants to wear her panties.  Breaks my heart.  But of course she wakes up dry today.

Ok so heres something fun, Sams Club.  Freaking amazing is what that place it.  Of course buying alchole in bulk just makes you feel like you have a problem.  BUT heres why we did it.  We live in a dry county and though its only like 20 minutes to a liquir store, we were almost done shopping and happened to walk down the wrong asile.  B suddenly turns into his 2 and 3 year old daughters "BEER NOM NOM NOM PLEASE?????"  Welp looks like we are buying beer now...of course at the time I thought this HUGE box of beer was all cans, but it was actually bottles which greatly reduced the amount I thought it was.  I grabbed the biggest bottle of Arbor Mist I have ever seen (which is not real wine) and we were off.  I am also pretty sure they thought we were paper towel bandits because we had three huge things of it.  Two were for Lady G's school.  Anyways we eat like insanely healthy so I am hoping if we can buy the non food items in bulk and our meat in bulk I can cut down our grocery bill.  We will see...  Ether way that place is awesome and will always hold a special place in my heart.  And while we are on the subject of Sam's Club, they had this huge outdoor playset displayed for like 900 something.  It has swings a slide, a little playhouse under the slide, it was really nice.  Last night I ordered the girls swing set.  Just a metal swing set for around 115 and I showed it to B.  His response?  "Thats not as cool as the castle we saw at Sams Club.  We could have gotten them a castle!  They are selling Castle's to children now a days!  Why didnt we get them the castle?!?!"  That man...oh that man....

And now its time for the rant of the day!!!!  Whooooooo

People who dress their little girls and toddlers like hussy's and then complain when they are older about how they dress.  Look people do you want your girls to be modest?  Dress them modestly!  I am so tired of seeing little girls dressed like a 16 year old.  Lady G has only worn a two piece that showed her belly once and it was in the safety of our backyard.  It was also not bought by me but given to us by my Aunt once her Granddaughter out grew it.  I had not cleaned her one piece yet so we let her wear it.  Other wise all swimsuits weather two piece of not have covered that girls belly same with her sister.  And those tutu skirts that are made for pictures?  Not in this house.  Spaghetti straps, halter tops, and strapless tops?  No sir, not in this house.  Dresses are worn with those little shorts that are made for little girls who dont know how to keep their legs closed or for skirts that are too short.  Now when it comes to dresses as long as their chests are covered we allow most everything but strapless.  We do not allow those stupid fishnet looking tops that are again for pictures, not for your little girl to be walking around in and unless your child has breast there is no reason that she would be wearing a top that looks like a bra.  Example, I have a friend who has a little girl around Lady L's age and she is constantly putting her in stupid online pageants, now thankfully I have yet to see her glitz her up, but she puts her in outfits that are not under any circumstance appropriate for a 2 year old.  She is just asking for some sick freak to come after that little girl and when shes older and dressing like this still getting attention she does not need, momma is gonna wonder what went wrong.  Drives me nuts.  I dont want to hear this later on in life.  And I dont vote for her little girl every time she post asking people to.  Why?  Because I am not in support of this, now if she were dressed in a manor a 2 year old should be dressed, then sure I'd vote.  And sadly its not just her, I have way too many friends who dress their little girls like teenage girls...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ale and Cheap Wine

First off let me start by saying sorry for disappearing my faithful reader(s) whoever you may be.  I was down with a stomach bug on Friday a it has since the thrown off my routine.  Anywho, not too much to report mainly because I am slightly intoxicated tonight.  Cheapo wine from Sams Club and Redds Apple Ale.  Which is awesome.  Any who I'm trying to avoid a long incoherent post that jumps around so I promise to try to post tomorrow.  I feel as thought I have a rant coming on. I know you will be on pins a needles until I return!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

That Terrifying Sound

Before we get down to it let me first apologize for the many errors of my last post.  Our laptop is still currently being fixed so I am writing all this on the iPad which hates me and loves to try and think for me.  I will ask that you hang with me until the old computer is back on my desk.  I type so much better with my fingers not thumbs.

As a mother there are many sounds you will hear coming from your little ones, but there is one sound no mother ever wants to hear.  It is a sound so horrifying that you feel it's power in your core.  I have heard this sound only a few times in my motherhood and it still scares me to death.  Recently I was in Sir E's room nursing him as I always do in his room while B was taking a shower.  I'm not sure we're Lady G was but she was occupied and unaware of the horror that was to happen to her sister in the next few minutes.  I was enjoying myself gazing at my gorgeous son when Lady L comes in freaking out about her shirt being wet.  I told her to just wait and I'd change her.  Well as common with Lady L she didn't listen.  She comes back naked.  I told her to go put her clothes on.  A few minutes pass and I have already forgotten about my naked two year old when I hear it.  That horrifying scream of momma.  It's high pitched, pain induced, wailing of a scream.  You can hear the sheer terror in the voice.  Then it becomes loaded with panic.  It's Lady L.  She is only in the next room but I felt as if she were miles away down an elevator shaft I could not Spider-Man my way down.  As gently as I can muster I lay Sir E down in his bed before making a mad dash to the bedroom.  I find Lady L with her arm caught in an unnatural position in the dresser drawer.  She is clawing at it trying to free it.  I pull the drawer, it releases its death grip and her arm hangs limp.  She is rushed to B.  He inspects it briefly before telling me to hang on while he gets out of the shower.  I rock Lady L and she calms.  The arm is not broken but appeared to be badly bruised (until the next day when it was fine).

A few days later I am again in Sir E's room changing a diaper.  This time the sound comes from the living room.  It's the sound of an ax murder killing my child scream.  Even the dog rushed out of the room hair raised ready to kick ass.  It was a spider.  A spider I killed in cold blood with a deadly slipper for causing me to have a heart attack at the ripe old age of 24.

Today the scream comes.  This time it is death by lent who was mistaken for a spider on her foot.  I am so glad Lady G no longer screams like calm my dear heart, despite the noise coming from that child's mouth she is not dieing and most likely has not broken some thing.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lady G and Stuck Up a Forest Creatures

So today was Lady G's first day at the new school.  I think she will be fine and I am praying her teacher is on the same page with me of the no babying her.  It's not her fault she is the same size as the average two year please don't treat her like she is one.  Anyways she shut down like says when it came time to meet and great but B was desperate for me to get home because Sir E was screaming bloody murder.  Of course when I walked in the door B had gotten him to take a bottle for the first time and had him content.  Anyways let me back track some.  My morning was suppose to start at 530, however two minutes to 4 I awoke.  I looked down at Sir E who was rooting and thought hey ill rock him and nurse then lay him in his bed.  He nursed like a champ and was dead asleep by 410.  And then his head hit his day had started.  5 am I did my workout and realized that while doing my jumping jacks my neighbors could see my shadow through the window.  Could they also see the flab of my belly fat bouncing up and down too?  Or perhaps they were too distracted by my boobs...  I live in a high traffic area so yea...  After my work I made myself breakfast took a shower and marveled at what life without children must be like.  From there I got Lady G up, put Lady L back to bed and watched my husband proceed to co sleep with our son making him a huge hypocrite.  Apparently co sleeping is only ok when the man with PTSD does it.  He did however admit to me later that he has no idea how I sleep like that.  Anyways after I dropped Lady G off I proceed to come home feed Lady L, but Sir E to bed, and crash.  Thank God Lady L loves Mickey Mouse and it was on for 30 minutes followed by Henry Huggle Monster her favorite show.  A fun fact about Lady L she hates tv, but God was on our side today with back to back awesomeness for this little lady.

Now for my fun rant.  F you woodland creatures.  We have a huge and I do mean huge like the size of our cat huge, squirrel living in our tree out back.  B and the Lady's decided to try and feed it my VERY expensive trail mix.  Bitch hasn't touched it for days...neither have the birds!  And it's not like m&ms and crap it's basically what these little bastards forage for and they won't flipping eat it!  It's like 12 bucks for a small carton of this stuff and though I love my Lady's I would not have in a million years thrown this stuff on the porch, but B has a soft spot and gives them and had no idea he was throwing money outside.  I just want to yell this shit is gourmet!  But I doubt that would info encourage them.  I do however feel like it might have something to do with the fact that it is so close to the back door so I picked it up and threw it in the yard.  Either way F you woodland creatures.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Goodbye Old, Hello New

Dear faceless reader,

Hello!  By some misfortune you have stumbled upon my very inactive blog.  Do not get comfortable for very soon (as soon as my laptop returns from its journey to the repair store) Boom Boom Thunder  Puddles will be getting a maker over.  I am three kids deep now, a 3 year old (Lady G), a 2 year old (Lady L), and a 2 month old (Sir E) rule my life.  It's amusing the going ons on my day to day routine.  For example as I write this I am also bumping breast milk.  I have clearly mastered the art multitasking.  Anyways there will also be new rants!  Yay who doesn't love a good rant?  I can't do it on my Facebook page anymore since half of my rants are about the people on my Facebook...  Anywho if you enjoyed this short greeting then most likely you will enjoy what follows.  Now if you will excuse me I need to detach this machine from my nipples and possibly punish two little girls who just ran down the hall to their rooms laughing like they got away with murder...