Sunday, June 26, 2011

I had a dream...about my boobs.

So since the news of the new baby arriving some time around February 18th I've been thinking about breast feeding.  It wasnt easy with the Monkey.  Sadly we had to stop at 6 weeks.  She didnt know how to suck when she came out and mom had to teach her.  They also gave her a bottle in the hospital since I didnt have any milk to feed her.  When you tipped the bottle upside down milk literally streamed from the nibble.  So she got use to having it be really simply, barely sucking and getting milk.  Sadly I did not have a fast flow which meant she had to work for it.  In the end it was just hell.  I couldnt get enough out by pumping, and she wasnt willing to latch on and try. 

Well I've been really wanting to give it a try again with this next one.  We will be in our own home instead of at my parents since husband will not be deployed this time around.  I can have my breast hanging out there and it be no big deal (I might have to fight my husband off with a stick though).  I think it will be a little more relaxing this time since it'll be our own home.  I am also planning on using The Mother's Milk Tea.  From what Ive heard from other women who have used it it has worked miracles.  So I plan on picking some up around my 30 week mark.  I am bond and determined to do it this time.  It makes me kind of sad though that I didnt try and find something to increase my supply with Monkey.  I mean she is smarter then any child I have met, so I dont think she missed out, but I just always want to give all of my kids the best that I can and I sorta feel like I failed her in a way which is something I never want to do.


1 comment:

  1. Don't feel guilty about the Monkey. You have done AMAZING things with that little one!
