So went to a birthday party for Monkey's little cousin (they are just a few weeks apart). They had cake of course and it was the most sugar cake you could possibly get for a 1 year olds birthday. I was surprised he didnt vomit all over the place. It was a really cute cake though and a huge turn out. Monkey had fun though the heat was killer (why would you have an outdoor birthday party in one of the hot months?) and she really didnt care for the cake (YAY) or hot dogs or even the other kids. There was another little girl there same age as them and Gracie ignored both her cousin and the other little girl. It was like they're play was too simple for them. She did however ride around in the wagon with her cousin and seemed to enjoy herself and of course if they came and played with her she was would sit there and play with them. She just became too bored with them. They would bang the blocks whereas she would try and figure out how to put them together. I love my smart Monkey, but I'm afraid she'll never get to enjoy kids her own age. I dont want her to be a loner like I was though if shes happy thats all that really matters. I would just hate for her to look back on her life and think "Why dont I have any friends?"
OK so obviously I have written about the Paranormal Activity that goes on in my life on almost a regular bases. Well I am still currently at my parents while the faithful husband is off getting us a house at the new duty station. While husband was still here I heard what sounded like someone sitting down in our bed threw the baby monitor one night. Just a quick moan of the bed then it was over with. Next it sounded like someone breathed into the monitor and once again over with in a flash. The next night I heard the breathing sound again. The next night Monkey slept upstairs with my parents since husband and I were going out to a late showing of the new X Men movie (totally awesome). The next night she slept with them again so husband could get a good night sleep. Well tonight I heard a huge moaning of the bed threw the monitor. It sounded like someone tossing and turning. I ran downstairs followed by my father with his gun. I showed him how the bed could make the noise and he was clearly puzzled (I could see the paranormal wheels turning). Once we got upstairs my mother was waiting and I explained what had happened when it happened again! Turns out we could hear my father walking in his bedroom. The floors moan and that is what we heard threw the monitor. Though the first night I can tell you that wasnt what it was. Anyways for once this was not something to freak about, though we did.
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