So this pregnancy has already been a roller coaster. Had to go to the ER for some pains right above my right hip. Got an ultrasound to make sure everything was where it should be. And of course it was. The yolk sac was there and everything looked good. No baby or heart beat yet, but I was only 5 weeks and 3 days. Anyways after that it was no food for me. The thought of food, the smell of food, it all makes me sick. I has been horrible. I have just wanted to vomit for about three days straight now though I havent actually done it. I was finally able to eat something for lunch today (BLT without the L and T) and then I was able to clean the kitchen and make dinner and actually eat the dinner. It was a wonderful moment. I felt good enough to shower with the Monkey and even had a nice little Kool Pop. However now I am burping up nasty tasting air and wishing my stomach would feel alright again. Nothing seems to work to keep this crap away. Ive been taking my B 6 every morning after forcing something down and that doesnt seem to do anything. I ended up ordering a nausea band today in hopes that it will provide me with some type of relief. We are suppose to be going to my parents for the weekend and it looks like I'll have to drive since husband ankle is still so messed up and so I really need to be feeling A-OK by then. Alas though I dont think I will.
Ok so heres a random creepy moment. I get Monkey off the potty tonight and shes staring at something behind me in kind of a weird way. She wouldnt let me push her towards the door which was behind me. It made me think it was husband behind me giving her a look because she had been screaming at me so I turn around and no one is there. I got a really creepy feeling, but she soon went back to not caring what was behind me anymore. I often think that I hear whispers coming threw the baby monitor, but its hard to tell if thats what I'm really hearing or maybe just the air conditioner. It bothers me some. I dont like the idea of something whispering threw my kids monitor at night.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I had a dream...about my boobs.
So since the news of the new baby arriving some time around February 18th I've been thinking about breast feeding. It wasnt easy with the Monkey. Sadly we had to stop at 6 weeks. She didnt know how to suck when she came out and mom had to teach her. They also gave her a bottle in the hospital since I didnt have any milk to feed her. When you tipped the bottle upside down milk literally streamed from the nibble. So she got use to having it be really simply, barely sucking and getting milk. Sadly I did not have a fast flow which meant she had to work for it. In the end it was just hell. I couldnt get enough out by pumping, and she wasnt willing to latch on and try.
Well I've been really wanting to give it a try again with this next one. We will be in our own home instead of at my parents since husband will not be deployed this time around. I can have my breast hanging out there and it be no big deal (I might have to fight my husband off with a stick though). I think it will be a little more relaxing this time since it'll be our own home. I am also planning on using The Mother's Milk Tea. From what Ive heard from other women who have used it it has worked miracles. So I plan on picking some up around my 30 week mark. I am bond and determined to do it this time. It makes me kind of sad though that I didnt try and find something to increase my supply with Monkey. I mean she is smarter then any child I have met, so I dont think she missed out, but I just always want to give all of my kids the best that I can and I sorta feel like I failed her in a way which is something I never want to do.
Well I've been really wanting to give it a try again with this next one. We will be in our own home instead of at my parents since husband will not be deployed this time around. I can have my breast hanging out there and it be no big deal (I might have to fight my husband off with a stick though). I think it will be a little more relaxing this time since it'll be our own home. I am also planning on using The Mother's Milk Tea. From what Ive heard from other women who have used it it has worked miracles. So I plan on picking some up around my 30 week mark. I am bond and determined to do it this time. It makes me kind of sad though that I didnt try and find something to increase my supply with Monkey. I mean she is smarter then any child I have met, so I dont think she missed out, but I just always want to give all of my kids the best that I can and I sorta feel like I failed her in a way which is something I never want to do.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
BAM We have a number two to add to our number 1 or is that number 5?
So finally made it to the new duty station. House is freaking sweeeeet (I totally just said that like a teen). I love our house. Fenced in backyard, huge living room, its all pretty awesome. Most of the unpacking is done. I really need to make our room like neat and finish up in the laundry room. I also think there are like two boxes in the hall closet, but they are all winter stuff so not in too big of a hurry. Got some ideas for Monkeys room. Thinking about a big tree with a monkey hanging in it. HA just got a great idea. Have the monkey wearing a shirt that has her name on it. Totally cute. Anyways, the base seems pretty chill (yes I did just say that). Everyone is really nice and relaxed here. Husband was suppose to be going to a school in July but that just may be canceled due to the fact that he has probably broken his right ankle and will now need surgery. Peachy I know. Also because of this still not sure if we will make it to my parents for the 4th. I'm really wanting to but it all depends.
So a bit of news for those who stalk me (you know who you two are and I dont know who you other people are which just kind of makes it creepy yet thrilling all at the same time) we recently found out that I am pregnant. It was kind of funny because I thought that perhaps I was jumping onto my mothers cycle so the fact that I was five days late was not too big of a deal. Well while unpacking the bathroom items I found a pregnancy test and thought hell if I'm five days late this thing should tell me no matter the time of day. So I went and laid down on the couch for a bit and drank some water (Monkey was napping and I needed a little break) and finally the urge to pee hit me. So I go and take it and the negative line popped up first and I was like I knew it and right as I went to sit it down on the counter something caught my eye and so I looked again and the negative turned to a positive. I about flipped. I sent husband a picture text with the words "this means we're pregnant". He was super stoked. I think it will be pretty cool to have him around for this pregnancy. He'll get to feel the baby move and everything plus he'll get to be there for the birth which is something he missed for Monkey well actually he missed everything for Monkey but still. Anyways, I'm kind of sad though because this means we have to move AGAIN and this also means I'm just going to get that much fatter...I wanted to lose my last 20 lbs before getting pregnant with number 2. Oh well, just looks like I'll have to work that much harder after wards.
So a bit of news for those who stalk me (you know who you two are and I dont know who you other people are which just kind of makes it creepy yet thrilling all at the same time) we recently found out that I am pregnant. It was kind of funny because I thought that perhaps I was jumping onto my mothers cycle so the fact that I was five days late was not too big of a deal. Well while unpacking the bathroom items I found a pregnancy test and thought hell if I'm five days late this thing should tell me no matter the time of day. So I went and laid down on the couch for a bit and drank some water (Monkey was napping and I needed a little break) and finally the urge to pee hit me. So I go and take it and the negative line popped up first and I was like I knew it and right as I went to sit it down on the counter something caught my eye and so I looked again and the negative turned to a positive. I about flipped. I sent husband a picture text with the words "this means we're pregnant". He was super stoked. I think it will be pretty cool to have him around for this pregnancy. He'll get to feel the baby move and everything plus he'll get to be there for the birth which is something he missed for Monkey well actually he missed everything for Monkey but still. Anyways, I'm kind of sad though because this means we have to move AGAIN and this also means I'm just going to get that much fatter...I wanted to lose my last 20 lbs before getting pregnant with number 2. Oh well, just looks like I'll have to work that much harder after wards.
Monday, June 6, 2011
I felt like a Hippie momma.
So today I had on my long hippie dress. It would be a wonderful dress if it just had air flow. Great for air conditioning, horrible for the outdoors. Anyways, I had monkey decked out in her purple G's and a cute white dress covered in rainbow butterflies. She looked great and I felt like a totally hippie. It was pretty wonderful. I mean I do the cloth gig now, I make her baby food (though lately I've been bad) and I stay at home with her all day. Its a wonderful life I have. I cant wait til we get a house and can go outside and dig in the dirt to plants some Elephant Ears and Sunflowers. I'm super stoked.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
"Birthday Cake and Paranormal Activity"
So went to a birthday party for Monkey's little cousin (they are just a few weeks apart). They had cake of course and it was the most sugar cake you could possibly get for a 1 year olds birthday. I was surprised he didnt vomit all over the place. It was a really cute cake though and a huge turn out. Monkey had fun though the heat was killer (why would you have an outdoor birthday party in one of the hot months?) and she really didnt care for the cake (YAY) or hot dogs or even the other kids. There was another little girl there same age as them and Gracie ignored both her cousin and the other little girl. It was like they're play was too simple for them. She did however ride around in the wagon with her cousin and seemed to enjoy herself and of course if they came and played with her she was would sit there and play with them. She just became too bored with them. They would bang the blocks whereas she would try and figure out how to put them together. I love my smart Monkey, but I'm afraid she'll never get to enjoy kids her own age. I dont want her to be a loner like I was though if shes happy thats all that really matters. I would just hate for her to look back on her life and think "Why dont I have any friends?"
OK so obviously I have written about the Paranormal Activity that goes on in my life on almost a regular bases. Well I am still currently at my parents while the faithful husband is off getting us a house at the new duty station. While husband was still here I heard what sounded like someone sitting down in our bed threw the baby monitor one night. Just a quick moan of the bed then it was over with. Next it sounded like someone breathed into the monitor and once again over with in a flash. The next night I heard the breathing sound again. The next night Monkey slept upstairs with my parents since husband and I were going out to a late showing of the new X Men movie (totally awesome). The next night she slept with them again so husband could get a good night sleep. Well tonight I heard a huge moaning of the bed threw the monitor. It sounded like someone tossing and turning. I ran downstairs followed by my father with his gun. I showed him how the bed could make the noise and he was clearly puzzled (I could see the paranormal wheels turning). Once we got upstairs my mother was waiting and I explained what had happened when it happened again! Turns out we could hear my father walking in his bedroom. The floors moan and that is what we heard threw the monitor. Though the first night I can tell you that wasnt what it was. Anyways for once this was not something to freak about, though we did.
OK so obviously I have written about the Paranormal Activity that goes on in my life on almost a regular bases. Well I am still currently at my parents while the faithful husband is off getting us a house at the new duty station. While husband was still here I heard what sounded like someone sitting down in our bed threw the baby monitor one night. Just a quick moan of the bed then it was over with. Next it sounded like someone breathed into the monitor and once again over with in a flash. The next night I heard the breathing sound again. The next night Monkey slept upstairs with my parents since husband and I were going out to a late showing of the new X Men movie (totally awesome). The next night she slept with them again so husband could get a good night sleep. Well tonight I heard a huge moaning of the bed threw the monitor. It sounded like someone tossing and turning. I ran downstairs followed by my father with his gun. I showed him how the bed could make the noise and he was clearly puzzled (I could see the paranormal wheels turning). Once we got upstairs my mother was waiting and I explained what had happened when it happened again! Turns out we could hear my father walking in his bedroom. The floors moan and that is what we heard threw the monitor. Though the first night I can tell you that wasnt what it was. Anyways for once this was not something to freak about, though we did.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
I entitle you "BOOM".
Wow it has been a while. Life at the parents is fairly boring. Monkey runs all over the place getting into pretty much everything her tiny little hands can grab while the girls run from the terror that is Abby The Labby. Monkey and Abby terrorize each other though so it pretty much evens out. The heat has been something we are all trying to adjust to. Its been 80 and up since the moment we left the north and to be honest with you I think I am going to die when we finally get to the new duty station. My parents keep the ac set on 77 and I am still burning up inside (though the other day I did turn it down to 75 while no one was home). We always kept the apartment at like 65 so yea...
Anyways our adventures so far consist of a road trip that showed just how badly the south had been flooded. We were lucky enough to avoid flooded roadways. We also had a trip down to Camp Slaughter House (my Uncle's farm). The boys drove down on a Friday and spent the night. By the time us girls made it they were all insanely tired, hung over, and missing their women. It was hot of course and so not only did Monkey get caked in sunscreen, but she also got the shed her clothes (including her g diapers) put on a nice cool diaper and run wild. She enjoyed it, but needed a nap, so daddy convinced her to take one with him.
It was very hot up in the cabin which is why she is red faced and naked. Either way they had a good and very much needed nap.
We also discovered other things while on the farm like this little guy who was making his way up to my water. Thankfully Monkey was not around to see it otherwise I fear she would have eaten him.
We also saw plenty of cows though no one took pictures of them. I think it was probably because we were all terrified that the big ass bull might not be very happy about a snap shot. His girlfriends seem to enjoy staring us down in a very "I will charge you" type of manor. My sister and I attempted to make friends so we could pet one, but this cow was just not having it.
The boys also enjoyed some male bonding over guns.
I think that pretty much says it all.
After the farm we enjoyed a nice Sunday off and then I became deathly ill on Monday. I want to vomit so horrible bad but could never seem to do it and trust me I tried. Tuesday I felt better, I took Monkey outside for a little dip in the baby pool.
Needless to say she loved it. Yesterday was errand day and today we are heading out to a big pool with husband's little sister. Should be fun...I hope.
Welp other then that the cloth diapering is going pretty awesomely except for at night. She is just too big of a wetter. Even her diapers struggle. So we're still working on that.
Well I hope all my stalkers out there feel like that are now caught up with the wonderfully adventurous life of mine!
Anyways our adventures so far consist of a road trip that showed just how badly the south had been flooded. We were lucky enough to avoid flooded roadways. We also had a trip down to Camp Slaughter House (my Uncle's farm). The boys drove down on a Friday and spent the night. By the time us girls made it they were all insanely tired, hung over, and missing their women. It was hot of course and so not only did Monkey get caked in sunscreen, but she also got the shed her clothes (including her g diapers) put on a nice cool diaper and run wild. She enjoyed it, but needed a nap, so daddy convinced her to take one with him.
It was very hot up in the cabin which is why she is red faced and naked. Either way they had a good and very much needed nap.
We also discovered other things while on the farm like this little guy who was making his way up to my water. Thankfully Monkey was not around to see it otherwise I fear she would have eaten him.
We also saw plenty of cows though no one took pictures of them. I think it was probably because we were all terrified that the big ass bull might not be very happy about a snap shot. His girlfriends seem to enjoy staring us down in a very "I will charge you" type of manor. My sister and I attempted to make friends so we could pet one, but this cow was just not having it.
The boys also enjoyed some male bonding over guns.
I think that pretty much says it all.
After the farm we enjoyed a nice Sunday off and then I became deathly ill on Monday. I want to vomit so horrible bad but could never seem to do it and trust me I tried. Tuesday I felt better, I took Monkey outside for a little dip in the baby pool.
Needless to say she loved it. Yesterday was errand day and today we are heading out to a big pool with husband's little sister. Should be fun...I hope.
Welp other then that the cloth diapering is going pretty awesomely except for at night. She is just too big of a wetter. Even her diapers struggle. So we're still working on that.
Well I hope all my stalkers out there feel like that are now caught up with the wonderfully adventurous life of mine!
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