The above title are the exact words Lady G yelled yesterday as a Lady L began vomiting up oatmeal from the morning. It was 245 in the afternoon, we had just walked in the door and I was taking a bite out of a cookie. I managed to grab a trash can and catch the rest. She had been off all day and complained of her tummy hurting on and off. I myself was tired and having some tummy troubles as well. Lady L fell asleep by 11 and slept til 1. She came and laid on the couch with me until it was time to get Lady G from school. She never complained of her stomach hurting after her nap, but in the car she was pale and tired looking. I had managed to give her a strong dose of elderberry in the morning and I think thats what helped her make it so long before it all came up. After she threw up it was like a whole new kid. I made her lay in bed for a while and watch (can ya guess?) Frozen. She was fine for the rest of the night, though I could feel a small fever hanging on to her. She still had it this morning. I gave her and Lady G another huge dose of elderberry. I tell ya this stuff is amazing. I make B take it daily and since getting him to take it I have noticed a huge difference. I sadly was a little bad and not giving the Ladies a good dose daily of the elderberry which is how Lady L caught a mild version of this stomach bug going around. She isnt around children except on Sundays at church. I'm sure she got it from her little buddy. I feel bad for that little girl, knowing that she must be having a much harder time than Lady L. Both Ladies had another big dose of elderberry this morning and we are officially out (of the liquid form that is). I'll have to get more tomorrow. I also gave Lady G some cough medicine this morning. I meant to yesterday and forgot so of course her cough was worse. The great thing about this Chestol though is it knocks a cough out like no other. B and I were having horrible congestion coughs and dry coughs, took one dose and man what a difference and you are suppose to take it every 2 hours. Its amazing stuff. If I seemed scattered brained its because Im watching Hoarding.
Maybe I can get this part written without too much all over the place. The purpose of this blog post is just to once again go over some alternative medicines for you guys. Elderberry, I think I preach this one more than any other. How many Walking Dead fans do we have out there reading this? Remember the season when they were being plagued with the flu? What did Hershel go out and gather? Elderberry. It is a natural flu fighter. Its an immune system booster. It is amazing. The moment flu season comes around (so typically about a week before Lady G starts school) we start daily doses of elderberry. No flu in this house. Usually no stomach bugs either but Ive been a little slow this year. Bad mom moment, I do have them. When the Ladies do get stomach bugs, the effects are so much more milder. Lady G was vomiting two weeks ago and though I cant be certain if it was the stomach bug or if it was just from the pizza we ate (I was feeling sick as well) once she got it all up she was fine. A slight fever the next day, and of course the need to sleep, but she was fine. Lady L threw up twice yesterday, once early in the morning with B (which he told me after he got home from work vs at 5 am when she got sick...) and then in the afternoon. She is fine and enjoying her morning Daniel Tiger right now. This stuff is amazing even if you dont start giving it to them until they get sick.
My next two things are olive leaf and echinacea. Now typically I always recommend taking these two together since they work wonderfully together, however I am currently having B take two echinacea daily in hopes of it helping him out with his morning mucus. While elderberry is amazing, I cant say that it gets us over the common cold. When someone gets a sniffle, its time for olive leaf and echinacea. Olive leaf is another great immune system booster, it promotes healthy blood pressure, supports the cardiovascular system, and helps boost up the energy you lose while sick. We seem to get over the common cold a lot faster with this stuff especially when we add in the echinacea. Ehinacea dries up the mucus. Sir E was struggling pretty bad with a cold and I was giving him the highest dose I could three times daily. After about three days of this he finally started drying up. I was getting worried due to it sounding like it moved to his chest. Thankfully it was just all the mucus breaking up. I even used it with a Pom we use to have who had horrible allergies and would get snot balls that she coughed up. Helped wonders. I will say if nursing it is not advised. I would assume from the worry of it drying up your milk (I didnt inquire as to why, but I asked our Alternative Medicines Doctor), but if you are wanting to take it in hopes of passing it to your little one they do make it in a drop form that works for under 12 months. I actually think that the one I have goes all the way down to newborn. Any time Sir E wakes with a yellow runny nose, I give it to him and its gone by the afternoon. The Ladies also have some mixed with elderberry that I give them for colds. If pregnant I would ask the owner of the store you are buying it from. Most Modern Medicine doctors have no clue and will advise against it. If taking it drink lots of fluids as you should if sick anyways, but this stuff dries you up so drink drink drink.
You also need a good respiratory health support. The one we have supports bronchial, lung, and sinus. People get busy, you put off taking care of the signs of colds and before you know it you wake up hacking up a lung. Now what? You pull out the big guns. Keep doing your elderberry of course *wink* but drop the olive leaf/echinacea and start on your respiratory support. I love ours. I am fairly certain I had managed to pick up bronchitis last year. I was ready to go to the doctor it was getting so bad, but as a last ditch effort I headed to the Natural Food Store and the wonderful lady there gave me the miracle I needed. Now due to my thyroid medications I have to wait at least 4 hours before taking "natural supplements". It was recommended to take this 4 times daily so I had to squeeze in the fourth one a few hours after the third. After about three days I could breath again, my chest didnt hurt, and I had energy. A few weeks ago when the weather was playing hot and cold B and I got sick. I had him taking this stuff and he cleared up pretty quickly from it too. Some times you just need something a little stronger so its always a good idea to have in a good heavy duty respiratory support. Its ok if its a little more expensive because most likely you wont be taking it all the time. Its your back up remember, for when life gets in the way.
After all that I'm sure you are wondering what could you possibly still need? Cough! We all get little coughs, dry coughs, congested coughs, allergy coughs, cough cough cough. Yuck. So you need a good cough remedy. I recommend something like Chestol. It is honey based and works wonders. Breaks up all the gunk and helps you get it up and out. It knocks out the cough for Lady G every time, and even after we had her tonsils removed and got her over the infection causing their engorgement, shes still prone to coughs. When she was 2 months she got her first ear infection, at 4 months bronchitis, 6 months a virus in her lungs, 9 months an ear infection, and 10 months bronchitis again. We lived in New York and I think it was just a lot for her to handle. It was also before I had this great of an understanding of Alternative Medicine. I am fairly certain all of that is what caused her weaker immune system. So having all the knowledge I do now, I keep a good cough medicine in the house. Chestol is the first one I found that works this wonderfully. Its amazing.
Now I do feel I should touch upon skin health. My sister sent me some pictures of my nephew this morning and though it was difficult to tell I am fairly certain he is having a bad eczema flare up. I noticed on Lady G's hands last night that they were cracking, breaking out, and becoming inflamed as well. She gets horrible eczema during the winter months and my sweet nephew tends to have flare ups too. The root of eczema comes from the diet. In order to "cure" it you need to change your diet. What are my diet recommendations? Whole30 of course. Clean out your system, let it reboot and figure out from there whats causing it. I would be willing to bet for most of you its dairy. Since clearing dairy out of my system I dont have eczema flare ups anymore. I do still get dry skin from my thyroid, but not eczema. If I could take dairy our of Lady G's diet I think she would be so much better off, but alas I cant because of school. We shall see whats going to happen with Lady L next year... Anyways for those who arent going to change their diets here's what you need to have on hand for flare ups. Vitamin E oil or lotion. This will proved relief from itching and pain from cracking. Once its no longer inflamed, shea butter is a good thick lotion to help the healing process continue. We actually have a wonderful shea butter lotion that I just found at Kroger. Its 10$ a bottle and in the baby section. Its vegan and organic. No added chemicals or anything you wouldnt want touching your sweet baby's bottom. I love using it on Sir E and will be putting some on Lady G's hands and arms today. We also had a great lavender soap last year that I found at Whole Foods. My husband hated it because it tangles Lady G's hair horribly, but I loved it because it soothed their dry skin better than their lotion. We ran out in the spring and I havent been able to make it back to Whole Foods since.
So now you know about skin health and some amazing Alternative medicines. I simply have one more thing before I let you go. Fluids. Water is the number one of course, but lets not kid ourselves, water doesnt do much for a sore throat. Herbal Teas are the next best thing. Yogi has become my favorite brands of tea lately. They have a wide variety of teas for symptoms so its easy to treat the symptoms. Unless you are nursing or pregnant go for whatever kind you want, just keep it herbal. Pick up some Raw or organic honey and add that to your tea if you need the sweet (its good for sore throats too) if you dont need the added sweet flavor, put in some coconut milk for fat. From their juice. I recommend this more for the kiddos, but adults can enjoy it too espically if you have had vomiting, some times a little juice is better than water or tea. Of course there is a catch, when I say juice I mean the real deal. If it doesnt have stuff floating in the bottom, put it back. If you can find it, kombucha is a great thing. Dont shake it. Learned that one the hard way...
Well I hope you were able to make it through my ramblings and found some useful information. Sir E has discovered the talking story books and is saying Ga Ga Ga over and over at hearing his grandparents voices. Lady L has pulled out the Mickey book...I hate that book.
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