As a mother of three night terrors are nothing new to me. If you are a parent there is a pretty good chance you have experienced a night terror, and by you I mean you have witnessed your child having one. If you haven't let me give you a little insight on what a night terror is vs a nightmare. A nightmare is a dream. While having this dream you may cry out and if someone could easily wake you. You can also wake up on your own with the gripping terror still holding onto you. A night terror is when you cant wake up. If someone touches you it only tightens the dream state, causing you to panic even more. Here is how a night terror can look: a seemingly asleep child scream as though they are in horrific pain, convulsions, shaking, non responsive, pupils not dilating, ect. For a first time parent it is the most terrifying thing. Lady G started having them around 10 months. Her first one was while we were at my parents and it was awful. After several more I figured out how to get her out if. I simply gave her a paci and shhhhed her. I did not touch her. Touching for most children worsens it. She out grew them around one and half two. Lady L was next, around the same age. Hers was heart breaking for me. She would be screaming momma over and over again as if someone had ripped her from my arms. I gave her a paci, shhhed her, and was able to rub her on the back. I could not talk to either of the. They would both either be standing in their cribs or sitting, never laying down. Lady L grew out of it too, around 18 months. Now we get to Sir E. Last night he had a night terror. I have never seen anything like it. He was convulsing like he was having a seizure. When I first saw him its what I thought, but his screaming told me it wasn't. He was screaming as if he was in pain. The way his arm was turned I thought he had to be in pain, but I didn't touch him. I shhhed him, saying his name softly. I still didn't touch him. B came in took one look at him and picked him before I thought to tell him not too. The screaming increased to a volume I didn't think he could reach. B freaked out and handed him to me. He got his paci and slowly Sir E calmed down. I then had the hard part of waking him up. Sir E is a heavy sleeper once he hits his deep sleep. Nothing wakes him. It took some doing but slowly we got him to come too. He continued to convulse on and off. He would randomly zone out and his body would go almost limb. It was terrifying. I was ready to take him to the ER thinking something more had to be wrong. About the time I got the bag ready he suddenly came to fully. His eyes lost the glaze and he was himself, an angry version of himself since he was confused as to why he was awake, but he was still himself. We put him back to bed and B said it had to of been that bad because he picked him up. He was probably right, but I didn't blame him for picking him up. It was taking a lot for me not to pick him up too.
On the Whole30 front I have made it to day 9. I feel pretty happy with myself for having made it 9 days. I'm not really craving anything aside from chocolate, but I dont think that is something I will ever stop craving. I also want some awesome beef jerky but alas my health food store didn't have any that was sugar free, it was all 2% or less. I would love to make a Whole Foods run soon, but money is still tight. We are working hard on changing that, but its never easy. I have lately been thinking about getting a job at a gas station. I could work nights, granted that's not the safest time to be working, but I told B I would carry my OC spray. Point a gun in my face and I will fully unload that crap on you. It would be nice to have some extra money though for bills or just to put back. I know once we make it to next year when we get our taxes back life will go back to easy living. I can pay off all our credit card debt and we can keep all the extra money from B's BAH and put it back. When I think about it like that it makes me go whats the point of getting a job now? Still though having two incomes would be nice. I dont know though, more thought is required I suppose. All I have been for the past 4 years is a mom, I dont really know if I want to miss out on being a mom while they are still young and need me so much. It would be a lot of work for B too which I know he never realizes when I say I'm thinking about getting a job. All he sees is more money for us, not the part of him having to do dinner, bath, and bed time for all three kiddos. I know he doesn't realize that his alone time would be gone and that his time for homework would be cut shorter.
Well I suppose I'm off. I have dinner that needs to be started while the kiddos are playing I hope nicely in the Ladies room.
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