So today was the first day I woke up and did not want to vomit or gag. It was a good morning that I spent munching on food and watching the Monkey run around the house like the crazy child she is. I also cleaned today. It felt nice to clean though I started feeling sick when I made it to the kitchen part and so the house is still not how I want it. On the bright side I got some wonderful Dill Bread made (literally the best I have ever made) before laying down for a little nap. After my very short nap husband came home and demanded food of course, so I made a freaking awesome Turkey Pot Pie. I may however use different veggies the next time I go to make it. I bought frozen and a brand I had never seen before, and I am thinking that next time we shall need a different brand. After devouring the pie (Monkey and Husband being the main eaters since I had a very late lunch) I cleaned the kitchen while Husband attempted to keep Monkey entertained (did a pretty good job up until she was done eating) and then made brownies (which I am now paying for with an unhappy little Bean). It was a fairly good day, though I wish I had more energy to get the house cleaner.
So we have taken away paci's finally. We started yesterday and she did so wonderful at nap time I decided there was no need to slowly go into...well I wish I had reconsidered that thought. When bed time rolled around she cried for 30 minutes. I went in right before 9 (I figured night would be harder so I put her down 30 minutes early) and picked her up, calmed her down, and talked to her a little bit. When I laid her back down she of course screamed bloody murder but fell asleep soon after I left the room. Today has been a little hard since she is teething. She is much more crabby not having her paci as a soothing agent and has been clinging to me like the Spider Monkey I hoped she never be. Nap time was a little bit of crying though not long and bed time was much better tonight. Maybe 10 minutes of crying. I feel so bad because I know she is in pain, but I cant give up now.
We also tried some potty training today. My thought was do potty training to distract against not having a paci. Im afraid it backfired due to the teething. She wore she training panties today and never told me when she had to go potty (though the pee never ran down her leg, she didnt pee an awful lot when she was wearing them) she would just pee and go about her day. I think since it wasnt a lot of pee she just felt like she was wearing her cloth diapers. Anyways Ive decided to wait until after this tooth breaks threw and she is over her wanting of a paci.
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