So today was a little crazy though what day isn't. It started out slow of course. We got home super late last night, so we all slept in, husband so wonderfully got up with girls and I slept for an extra hour or so. It was nice. Miss L took a 3 hour nap and the husband and I enjoyed some alone time during the 2 hour nap G took. Once both girls got up we headed out to the store. I didn't honestly think it would be a bad trip. I figured L would not need her 5:30 nap. I knew dinner time would be an issue since we would still be shopping when 5 hit, so I brought along a mum mum for L and made sure to nurse her before we left. She had a sippy with an oz of juice and the rest water. She was doing good for a while eating her mum mum and drinking her juice, but then she wanted that damn nap. I of course forgot toys. Thankfully we were almost done when she was getting to the beyond point. G did awesome until daddy gave her a bit too much freedom and she thought running threw the drink/snack part of the store was a game. That one was not fun. Anyways by the time we made it home it was almost kick off time for the husbands game. Both girls wanted food, L wanted me and only me and I was suddenly freaking out. I needed to eat husband was no help and I didn't want to bother him. I finally asked for help and he was fine to help me. L was late on her 730 cereal feeding and didn't get it until 8 so she was cranky and falling asleep in her highchair. All the cold stuff was put up but the kitchen was a wreck. G wanted attention and to play with her new books and computer game but I didn't have time to give her the attention. I kept promising her later and she kept getting upset knowing her bed time was coming. I was rushing and stressing out. I kept thinking I have to get this done and this done and it has to be done before this time, I was going mad. Then while bathing Miss L it hit me. I didn't need to get everything done. The kitchen could wait until after both girls had gone to bed. L needed to be in bed by 830 because we are breaking her of co-sleeping and trying to get her to self soothe, but G didn't have to be in bed by 9. She could stay up a little longer and get the attention that she needs from mommy. If she asked to go to bed or started to get cranky then ok, but otherwise its not a big deal. Once I figured that out life got easier, I got L to bed before 830 (she was so tired) and got to spend some time with my two year old who as usual blew my freaking mind.
I got her two new books (she picked one out and the other was to replace one she colored in) and then I got her some cards that come together to form a picture and a three letter word. I also got her a computer game to help her learn her shapes and colors (which we have never really worked on). Both said for ages three and up. Now because of your baby can read, G recognizes some words, so I'm never too surprised when she reads a word to me. We first sat down with the computer game. Numbers was up first which she pretty much blew threw that one. She can count to 15, so yea. Next we did colors. That one was a little harder for us and one we'll have to keep working on, but she did start to catch on by the time we were finished. Knowing my little ninja she'll have it down by tomorrow haha. Next up shapes. She started out very weak. Then about half way threw she didn't need my help what so ever. She was pointing to all the right shapes and saying their names everything. The husband came in as we were finishing up (half time) and was blown away himself by how good she was doing. I couldn't believe it. These are things a 3 year old are suppose to be doing and shes already there. The last part of the game we didn't really get into. She was getting tired, so we moved on to our card game. That was interesting. We were spelling out the word and she kept saying the next letter to come after what we would say (example I was spelling ape. I would say A she would say B. I'd say P she would Q.) She did catch on though and tell us what the word was (based on looking at the picture it formed) and we would talk about the picture and the word. As well as sound it out and spell it. She was getting tired and board, but still hanging in there. Next we read. It was nice to sit and read to her. I haven't sat and read to her in a while and I find it interesting that every time we read something new she is able to sit and listen to a book that has more then one sentence on a page. She likes books that have several sentences on the page and it doesn't have to just be a Dr. Seuss book anymore. She's branched out and is becoming her own little person. After that we said goodnight to daddy, headed to the bathroom and brushed our teeth. She demanded I floss them (she thinks its the coolest thing ever) and then she put on a pull up. I was surprised when she didn't fight me on this one. She always says she wants to wear panties, but she did look sad so I told her I was going to try and make her some special big girl panties for bed time. That seemed to cheer her up. After that she laid down and only got up once. Its amazing to watch her grow and I beat myself up for not giving her more time. Its hard when L is so demanding of my attention though. She does need me more since she is a 6 month old infant, but I worry G thinks I like L more than her. She comes into our room every morning and sees L in bed with mommy and daddy. L's crib is in mommy and daddy's room. L's clothes and diapers are in mommy and daddy's room. I worry she thinks she isn't as apart of us as L is. I know once we are out of the army and have a bigger house it wont be that way so much and I try my best to explain to G that she is a big girl and gets to have all this big girl stuff, but I don't think its enough for her. Before L she had me all to herself, and now not so much. I have to sacrifice even more time to myself for her. I don't mean that in a bad or selfish manner I just mean my break from being a mom and wife seems to become shorter and shorter, so not only do I find myself not giving G, my husband, and even L at times not enough attention so that I can get other things around the house done, but I find that I am losing myself in the mix. Its hard to hold on to who I am outside of my family when almost the whole of me is consumed by them. I need to find some me time, and I think if I could, I would not only be a happier person, but I would feel more like a person and not just a mom and wife. I have a few projects coming up (of course they are for my girls, but they are also for me because I will be making them which makes me happy) that I hope will help me let go of stress. I have to find time to do them, but I think I can get them done during nap time and G's quiet time (which is L's nap time). I am hoping I "find" myself in the mix of all this chaos soon. I love my smart little monkeys and their ninja tendencies and I love my husband and his very honest way of thinking, but I need to be more than just "homemaker". I'm not looking to be Supermom, but maybe I am looking to earn those pearls she wears.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
My Children Don't Grow, They are just Little Ninjas
My five month old crawls. She is pulling herself up into a standing position and has even taken a few steps. She is falling off the growth chart but is as healthy as can be. Her 2 year old sister started crawling at 4 months and was furniture cruising by 6 months. She fell completely off the growth chart for almost a year when she turned one. There was nothing wrong with her despite how hard they tried to find something wrong with her. She is healthy, she is strong, she is perfect. However, she needs extra calories because she burns so much. She needs whole milk for its extra fat content. She drinks a pedisure a day because like most toddlers she eats small amounts and some days nothing at all so she needs the extra nutrition. She eats her veggies (loved broccoli) and most days her meats (chicken seems to be a favorite here). We do not fry most of our foods. Its baked or grilled. We buy as much natural fresh foods as possible. She is active and healthy. So what is my point?
Society is lazy. It has made it ok to be fat and unhealthy. People feed their 9 month old babies french fries. Instead of following the rainbow method of feeding, Gerber baby food gives mainly bland choices. Their mixed foods are two simple choices mixed together. They dont branch out and neither do the parents which cause children to become picky. Our lives are "busy" so its easier to grab something and bring it home instead of taking out the time to make it. People tend to give their children high in fat foods because its faster more often instead of taking out time and giving them something healthy and teaching them that fast food is ok in moderation.
Here is just how screwed up things are. When G was 6 months old she had to have her blood drawn. She had a fever without a cause so they were checking for a virus. Poor baby screamed. It took myself and two other nurses to hold her down while a third nurse took the blood. After it was all said and done I was holding her and soothing her. She was calming down fairly quickly. An older nurse who had been at the doorway came over and said to her "Oh poor baby. You need to tell momma to take you straight to Mcdonald's and get you some fries." She was 6 months old and this woman wanted me to get her some fries. She than looked at me and said that her 6 month old grandson loves them. I just smiled politely. Moving forward a few months, I take her to her WIC appointment and she has barely gained a pound. They lecture me telling me she is not eating enough and needs to be feed more fatty foods. One woman said "Give her Mcdonald's if she'll eat it." I never did and thankfully that was our last visit with WIC. I had hoped forever, but then number two came along. Fast forward a little more. Miss G has not gained a pound in three months. Her doctor said give her anything she will eat. Give her ice cream. I told him the type of ice cream we buy, which was an all natural brand, and he told me that its perfect because the all natural brands are actually higher in fat. He did not recommend fast foods or fried foods, just foods like avocados that are higher in fat. I liked this doctor. Fast forward to now and WIC. I was told G needed to remain on whole Milk and keeping up a pedisure a day would be best for her. I dont know if anyone reading this has ever bought pedisure but it can be expensive. So we get a voucher from WIC for it. It was also stated by my Peds. Doctor to put her back on Whole Milk. I called the office asking what I needed to bring them for this to happen and they told me a subscription would work just fine. So I do this. I am then informed that they can not give a child over 2 whole milk. It is against their rules even with a doctors note. I asked what I am suppose to do then. The nurse said to me "Well you can add some butter in her food." Butter...I mentally bitched slapped her. Next she proceeds to tell me that the only difference between whole milk and 2% is its fat contain... Really.... She is partially right. The other difference is that 2% is more proceeded than Whole Milk, which means more is done to it, more is taken out of it, which than means more has to be added back into it which is yet another process. I have the benifit of being on a military base, which means that though I am on WIC I do not have to get that crappy Great Value stuff that Wal Mart offers. I am actually able to get a rather healthy close to organic milk but that still doesnt mean that their 2% is just as good as whole Milk. I wish so very badly to be off WIC and hopefully we will be able to in a few months once we are out of the Army. Anyways back to my conversation (you'll have to forgive my heading off topic, I just watched L fall asleep while playing in her Jumperoo). She then tells me that her weight is perfect for her height and that honestly she doesnt even see the need for the max amount of pedisure we are getting...really? I forgot you were her doctor and know every last detail about this child. You were the non existent person standing silently in the corner the other day at her check up right? And you know she has grown since the last time you checked her height over 6 months ago. Her height is now in the 20% but her weight is just barely there. Freaking moron.
Because of uneducated people and heathly options most often not being an option on the kids menu these days, toddlers are obese. Because of that the American Socity of Peds. has made a law that no child on WIC over the age of 2 shall be allowed to have whole milk for any reason, or at least thats what this nurse told me. I cant even go to the store and buy yogurt that isnt reduced fat or fat free. I get hell from doctors and nurses saying my children are too small (until they review their records and this new peds. being the exception) and yet when I try to give her things to help put more weight on her, I have almost zero healthy options. WTF?
OK little side rant here. Bumbo, we have one, we love it. Used it for G and she would try to wiggle her way out of it, but I never just left her there unattended, I am not a moron. I will admit to having her on the table with the little tray attached so that I could feed her, but again I never walked away. There was no way she could have harmed herself in this seat...unless of course I walked away which I did not. So how can people sue over being an epic fail at the first rule of parenting? If you order a steaming hot cup of coffee and take a huge gulp and get burned you cant bitch about it because you ordered a steaming hot cup of coffee. You are putting a child in a seat that has no restraint. Common sense should state that leaving said child in said seat with no one around or out of grabbing distance is not a good idea. We put L in her's to take a bath with her sister. Because she is only 13 lbs and this seat was not designed to be put in water unless held down by a heavier child it floats. HUGE drowning risk IF I left her unattended, which I do not. My husband also discovered that over time our Bumbo took on water due to a small hole (this thing was handed down after use with two other children) so now it does not float, but that doesnt mean I'm going to walk away and let a 2 year old be the judge of weather or not her sisters head should remain under water should something go horribly wrong. Some people should not have children. And you know they recalled these once before to change the warning label which now states not to leave children unattended in them. Am I the only person who reads that shit and takes it serious? Personally after that recall and the updated warning label any lawsuit filed after that should have been thrown out. Read the freaking warning label. We told you not to leave your kid unattended or on high surfaces. Did you listen? No? Well that sucks good luck living with knowing it was your own damn fault.
So in conclusion to my rantings of the evening, I leave you with this. My children dont grow up quickly. They dont grow much at all. They do however sneak up on me (tip toeing as G says), giggle behind shower curtains, bang on bathroom doors, roar loudly in public places, fall asleep while jumping in jumperoos, and destroy my living room in 2.5 seconds. They have conversations together in their own language (though G speaks in full clear sentences), whine more days than not, plot their dangerous stunt of the day, and rock Sammy's nerves more than my own. They ride Sammy like a horse, pull Sid's hair and G carries her around by the throat saying "I got her I got her". Despite the age difference they act like sisters, loving each other one minute and fighting over a doll the next. They are my perfectly petite little red headed girls and I am most certainly positive that they are horrible little ninjas.
Society is lazy. It has made it ok to be fat and unhealthy. People feed their 9 month old babies french fries. Instead of following the rainbow method of feeding, Gerber baby food gives mainly bland choices. Their mixed foods are two simple choices mixed together. They dont branch out and neither do the parents which cause children to become picky. Our lives are "busy" so its easier to grab something and bring it home instead of taking out the time to make it. People tend to give their children high in fat foods because its faster more often instead of taking out time and giving them something healthy and teaching them that fast food is ok in moderation.
Here is just how screwed up things are. When G was 6 months old she had to have her blood drawn. She had a fever without a cause so they were checking for a virus. Poor baby screamed. It took myself and two other nurses to hold her down while a third nurse took the blood. After it was all said and done I was holding her and soothing her. She was calming down fairly quickly. An older nurse who had been at the doorway came over and said to her "Oh poor baby. You need to tell momma to take you straight to Mcdonald's and get you some fries." She was 6 months old and this woman wanted me to get her some fries. She than looked at me and said that her 6 month old grandson loves them. I just smiled politely. Moving forward a few months, I take her to her WIC appointment and she has barely gained a pound. They lecture me telling me she is not eating enough and needs to be feed more fatty foods. One woman said "Give her Mcdonald's if she'll eat it." I never did and thankfully that was our last visit with WIC. I had hoped forever, but then number two came along. Fast forward a little more. Miss G has not gained a pound in three months. Her doctor said give her anything she will eat. Give her ice cream. I told him the type of ice cream we buy, which was an all natural brand, and he told me that its perfect because the all natural brands are actually higher in fat. He did not recommend fast foods or fried foods, just foods like avocados that are higher in fat. I liked this doctor. Fast forward to now and WIC. I was told G needed to remain on whole Milk and keeping up a pedisure a day would be best for her. I dont know if anyone reading this has ever bought pedisure but it can be expensive. So we get a voucher from WIC for it. It was also stated by my Peds. Doctor to put her back on Whole Milk. I called the office asking what I needed to bring them for this to happen and they told me a subscription would work just fine. So I do this. I am then informed that they can not give a child over 2 whole milk. It is against their rules even with a doctors note. I asked what I am suppose to do then. The nurse said to me "Well you can add some butter in her food." Butter...I mentally bitched slapped her. Next she proceeds to tell me that the only difference between whole milk and 2% is its fat contain... Really.... She is partially right. The other difference is that 2% is more proceeded than Whole Milk, which means more is done to it, more is taken out of it, which than means more has to be added back into it which is yet another process. I have the benifit of being on a military base, which means that though I am on WIC I do not have to get that crappy Great Value stuff that Wal Mart offers. I am actually able to get a rather healthy close to organic milk but that still doesnt mean that their 2% is just as good as whole Milk. I wish so very badly to be off WIC and hopefully we will be able to in a few months once we are out of the Army. Anyways back to my conversation (you'll have to forgive my heading off topic, I just watched L fall asleep while playing in her Jumperoo). She then tells me that her weight is perfect for her height and that honestly she doesnt even see the need for the max amount of pedisure we are getting...really? I forgot you were her doctor and know every last detail about this child. You were the non existent person standing silently in the corner the other day at her check up right? And you know she has grown since the last time you checked her height over 6 months ago. Her height is now in the 20% but her weight is just barely there. Freaking moron.
Because of uneducated people and heathly options most often not being an option on the kids menu these days, toddlers are obese. Because of that the American Socity of Peds. has made a law that no child on WIC over the age of 2 shall be allowed to have whole milk for any reason, or at least thats what this nurse told me. I cant even go to the store and buy yogurt that isnt reduced fat or fat free. I get hell from doctors and nurses saying my children are too small (until they review their records and this new peds. being the exception) and yet when I try to give her things to help put more weight on her, I have almost zero healthy options. WTF?
OK little side rant here. Bumbo, we have one, we love it. Used it for G and she would try to wiggle her way out of it, but I never just left her there unattended, I am not a moron. I will admit to having her on the table with the little tray attached so that I could feed her, but again I never walked away. There was no way she could have harmed herself in this seat...unless of course I walked away which I did not. So how can people sue over being an epic fail at the first rule of parenting? If you order a steaming hot cup of coffee and take a huge gulp and get burned you cant bitch about it because you ordered a steaming hot cup of coffee. You are putting a child in a seat that has no restraint. Common sense should state that leaving said child in said seat with no one around or out of grabbing distance is not a good idea. We put L in her's to take a bath with her sister. Because she is only 13 lbs and this seat was not designed to be put in water unless held down by a heavier child it floats. HUGE drowning risk IF I left her unattended, which I do not. My husband also discovered that over time our Bumbo took on water due to a small hole (this thing was handed down after use with two other children) so now it does not float, but that doesnt mean I'm going to walk away and let a 2 year old be the judge of weather or not her sisters head should remain under water should something go horribly wrong. Some people should not have children. And you know they recalled these once before to change the warning label which now states not to leave children unattended in them. Am I the only person who reads that shit and takes it serious? Personally after that recall and the updated warning label any lawsuit filed after that should have been thrown out. Read the freaking warning label. We told you not to leave your kid unattended or on high surfaces. Did you listen? No? Well that sucks good luck living with knowing it was your own damn fault.
So in conclusion to my rantings of the evening, I leave you with this. My children dont grow up quickly. They dont grow much at all. They do however sneak up on me (tip toeing as G says), giggle behind shower curtains, bang on bathroom doors, roar loudly in public places, fall asleep while jumping in jumperoos, and destroy my living room in 2.5 seconds. They have conversations together in their own language (though G speaks in full clear sentences), whine more days than not, plot their dangerous stunt of the day, and rock Sammy's nerves more than my own. They ride Sammy like a horse, pull Sid's hair and G carries her around by the throat saying "I got her I got her". Despite the age difference they act like sisters, loving each other one minute and fighting over a doll the next. They are my perfectly petite little red headed girls and I am most certainly positive that they are horrible little ninjas.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
I swear we should just take the warning labels off everything.
OK there are some people who just really are beyond retarded. Dont get me wrong, there are situations that I understand can not be helped, but I am so tired of people going on to facebook and twitter and all other media sites asking for freaking hand outs. Most of you know that my husband is at the shit end of the stick when it comes to the Army. He does not make near enough for the crap that he does. The Army has broken him in more than one way and yet, aside from the just married oops need mom, we have not asked for hand outs. And every money loan my family has ever given us was paid back in full. Back to rant. If you cant afford the two kids you have already you better damn sure not get pregnant with another one. If that means dont have sex than dont freaking have sex and if you get pregnant I dont care how freaking sick you are get up off your ass and get a damn job. Cancel your cable, your internet, down grade your phone plan, suck it up and make money. My sister was almost 6 months pregnant, sick as hell and got a job because they needed the money. She didnt go on any social media site begging for free baby stuff or bitching about how she wasnt going to be able to pay her rent. Like seriously? And ya know heres another one that really pisses me off. People bitching and complaining about how they cant feed their kids or pay their bills and then 2 days later saying they just got a new car. What the crap? And I dont want any of this well the economy is bad bullshit. If the guy who just jumped the boarder can get a job day two of being in America so can you.
Now I have not been following the politics as of late. I have two kids and not a lot of down time. I do however know I will not be going Obama because I have paid enough attention to know I do not want the direction in which his mandatory health care plan is going. I also did not vote for him in the first place so why the hell would I do it now? Anyways I do have reasons of why I dont like him, what pisses me off is the fact that dumbass college and fresh out of high school kids are saying I'm going to vote for him and when asked why they say because I think he's cool. That is the only reason. They dont know anything that he stands for. They just think he's cool. I just think your a moron like the person who sued McDonalds for not informing them that the steaming cup of coffee they just ordered would burn them.
Speaking of fast food, go Chik-fil-a for using their constitutional rights. No Im not against gay marriage. I have friends who are gay and love them just the same. I dont think they will burn in hell but I dont think Chik-fil-a should get shit for being a conservative christian run business. Im not going to stop eating there (not that I really do, but now I will make a point to if the option arises). People need to stop looking for the most retarded things to attack and join together. I mean look around you. All you are doing is helping the government that is currently in control take away our rights.
Next point, guns. I read this amazing quote the other day "So you say...that if we take away the guns people wont kill each other? Really, I never realized Cain shot Abel with a .45" People will find other ways of killing each other. A gun does not go off on its own. People kill people not guns. A gun my assist, but it didnt sit there on the couch and say "Hey I've got an idea, lets go and slaughter a crap ton of people tonight."
Mass punishment is another one really bugging me lately. Just because someone screwed up does not mean that everyone who was in a 50 mile radius of the asshole should be punished as well. Gun laws could go along with this one pretty well. The main reason people want to ban guns is because some screwed up in the head jerk decided to shoot up a store or market. I did not do this, I would never do this, so why am I getting shit for it?
Speaking of punishment, why am I paying for three meals a day and a dental/healthcare plan for the assholes in prison? What kind of punishment is this? They are there as punishment, not a freaking trip to the holiday inn. Granted there are gangs and dangers. I know its not all fun and games, but I honestly dont want to pay to have their lives elongated.
So all I am saying is if we took the warning labels off everything and let the problem solve itself, life would be much simpler.
Now I have not been following the politics as of late. I have two kids and not a lot of down time. I do however know I will not be going Obama because I have paid enough attention to know I do not want the direction in which his mandatory health care plan is going. I also did not vote for him in the first place so why the hell would I do it now? Anyways I do have reasons of why I dont like him, what pisses me off is the fact that dumbass college and fresh out of high school kids are saying I'm going to vote for him and when asked why they say because I think he's cool. That is the only reason. They dont know anything that he stands for. They just think he's cool. I just think your a moron like the person who sued McDonalds for not informing them that the steaming cup of coffee they just ordered would burn them.
Speaking of fast food, go Chik-fil-a for using their constitutional rights. No Im not against gay marriage. I have friends who are gay and love them just the same. I dont think they will burn in hell but I dont think Chik-fil-a should get shit for being a conservative christian run business. Im not going to stop eating there (not that I really do, but now I will make a point to if the option arises). People need to stop looking for the most retarded things to attack and join together. I mean look around you. All you are doing is helping the government that is currently in control take away our rights.
Next point, guns. I read this amazing quote the other day "So you say...that if we take away the guns people wont kill each other? Really, I never realized Cain shot Abel with a .45" People will find other ways of killing each other. A gun does not go off on its own. People kill people not guns. A gun my assist, but it didnt sit there on the couch and say "Hey I've got an idea, lets go and slaughter a crap ton of people tonight."
Mass punishment is another one really bugging me lately. Just because someone screwed up does not mean that everyone who was in a 50 mile radius of the asshole should be punished as well. Gun laws could go along with this one pretty well. The main reason people want to ban guns is because some screwed up in the head jerk decided to shoot up a store or market. I did not do this, I would never do this, so why am I getting shit for it?
Speaking of punishment, why am I paying for three meals a day and a dental/healthcare plan for the assholes in prison? What kind of punishment is this? They are there as punishment, not a freaking trip to the holiday inn. Granted there are gangs and dangers. I know its not all fun and games, but I honestly dont want to pay to have their lives elongated.
So all I am saying is if we took the warning labels off everything and let the problem solve itself, life would be much simpler.
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