I would first like to state that for anyone who read my last post I was very much defeated at that moment. There has been a ton of stress with this pregnancy and this part of our lives in general. I think as a human I am allowed to have a little break down every once in a while. Moving on.
Lets first begin with Von Willebands! (and no I did not just make that up) My daughter has been diagnosed with this crazy sounding thing and I am about to be test for it myself since my husband has tested negative. What is it you may be asking? A blood clotting disorder where you blood does not clot probably. Its not too big of a worry for bleeding if you are say punched in the arm, however get punched in the head and you may be bleeding from every available hole in your head (basically I'm saying you have to worry about excessive bleeding from head injuries, not body). It is possible for me to test negative for this (and I know my husband will then suddenly decide if he test negative again that we must get a DNA test on our child since its passed from parent to child) because I am pregnant. Pregnancy can actually cause things that are wrong in your body to work properly. Hopefully I do test negative right now since I just read that testing positive can mean I have type 2 or 3 which is bad. I will obviously be tested again if this happens after I have our little Bean and more then likely I will test positive, though there is still a small chance that neither I nor my husband have it. No no I did not cheat and Monkey is 100% his (the proof is in the child) but I did just read that since this is a gene mutation it's possible that her gene mutated without us passing anything to her. Its why any family can get this disorder. I found that interesting. Had I read this two days ago I would have been jumping for joy and throwing it in his face that I was right all along I do not have it! However, that past two days I have had a nose bleed first thing in morning. Frequent nose bleeds are a symptom. From the time I was born all the way up until I turned 9 I would have crazy nose bleeds. My mother would come into my room when I was a baby to find me a sleep in a crib full of dried blood. As I got older they got worse to the point of blood clots as long as worms coming out of my nose. That is when I got my nose cauterized. Up until two days ago I never had a nose bleed again. Needless to say when I did I freaked out. I also have one more symptom, easy bruising, but I am fair skinned which is what I always lammed it on to begin with. What honestly bothers me and I have been tested for another blood clotting disorder called Factor 5. Its when your blood over clots basically. That came back negative but shouldn't it have shown that I was going in the other direction? It just bothers me. Anyways, it looks like Monkey and I are doomed to be bleeders and little Bean will have to be tested as well.
Well as in most families money is always an issue and worry. Cloth diapers were something I decided to give a try when Monkey turned one. I was in no true rush for potty training, but also figured we'd give it a try around 15 months. Anyways, everything was going great with the cloth diapers and I was actually enjoying them until the pregnancy hormones kicked in. If Monkey had a poopy diaper I found I was trying my hardest not to vomit all over the place while changing her. So sadly we went back to diapers. Then our money issues made me go back to cloth (thankfully her poop no longer bothered me). The second day shes back in cloth she gets a horrible diaper rash, and I mean horrible. She was crying if she sat down, she screamed blood murder while I wiped her butt, it was aweful. I felt so horrible. I had her daddy put her straight in a warm bath and it seemed to instantly soothe her very red bottom. I found a few left over diapers (about 5) and knew with as bad as her butt was they wouldnt last us threw the healing. I couldnt use the diaper rash cream we had on her with our cloth diapers so I came up with the best option. "Tomorrow we start potty training" I said to my husband. He was going to be off work for a few more days so it seemed like the perfect time. We have not looked back since. Now she wears two cloth diapers a day. One for nap time and one for bedtime, otherwise she is naked from the waist down (while at home anyways). She has done very well so far. She doesnt even tell us she has to go, just goes and sits on her potty then jumps and says "I pee pee!" or in today's case "I poop poop!". And believe me that last one was a miracle. She has peed on our carpet a lot obviously and I have already steam cleaned our carpets once, but after about 4 or 5 days she mainly peed in the potty. Pooping however...it has been a fight since day one. Kid would sit and scream on the potty while she pooped. For some reason it freaked her out. She even held it some times until we put a diaper on her. She has also pooped on the floor...a lot and funny enough almost always on daddy's watch. The one time she did it on my watch I was in the kitchen. My husband goes crazy when she poops on the floor. He covers the "infected area" with cleaner then pulls out the steam cleaner and goes over the spot 20 times before he finally feels like it is safe her human contact again. I dont mind it, I just wish he would go that crazy when she poops in the potty. He dumps out the poop and doesnt even wash out the potty. Drives me mad. Anyways I was half asleep on the couch when I heard my dear sweet Monkey jump and say "I poop poop!" Thinking she peed and possibly passed some gas (making her think she pooped) I got up and looked. Sure enough she had pooped and peed all on her own. I was so happy. We went straight to the bathroom and flushed it all down the potty (she loves to flush). Not only was this a huge step for her, but it was also a wonderful relief to know she wasnt back tracking since yesterday she decided to only pee on the floor (which means I have to pull out the steam cleaner today). The day before she was in a pull up since we were out and about. She did wonderful, not one accident (until nap time). If I asked her if she needed to pee she would say yes and off to the potty we would go. She even told me once that she had to go. I was so very proud. I would like her to be in panties by Christmas ( as cute as her naked butt is I think she may need to have some type of coverage for being around family). I was planning on starting the panties training earlier this week, but now I think it will have to wait until next Friday. We just have too much going on with appointments. My kid is very smart and catches on so fast, so I think we'll be able to get the panties training down in no time (I pray anyways). We also tried to ditch one side of the railing on her crib...she fell out twice but that wasnt our problem. Our problem was her waking up at 7 (still being very tired) refusing to go back to bed and then only taking an hour nap when we knew she need 2 hours or more (since she got up so early in the morning). We put the railing back on and her naps have gone back to 2 hours and she is staying asleep til 8 unless daddy is too loud in the morning. Though I wish she would sleep til 9 like the old days, I am still thankfully to get my sleep back.
There is still much more I could write about but my belly is growling as I am sure Monkey's is too. I think we shall eat some lunch and then I will get to work on my pee stained carpets.